USA My Helper Application

Discussion in 'Staff Application Archive' started by Daniel, Aug 27, 2016.

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  1. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    I'm going to annoy you right here Daniel, who can blame me? Your signature still has your staff application, so I can still comment on it. Don't tell me I should leave this thread alone, as you know I won't listen to you.

    Let's just start off, you're rude to users you don't like. You call other users the definition of cringe, I laugh at that as it's exactly what you are in all honesty. You claim you value equality, yet you look down to people. You say you're honest, but you don't know the difference between honesty and rudeness. You're one of the rudest people I've had the unfortunate luck to know.
    I smell a strong whiff of bs.

    *gasps* No way, don't we all? :eek:

    Pffft no you're not.

    Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Equality my butt.

    I'm going to get disagrees for this for a "biased point of view" or something, I'm going to get my butt roasted by you Daniel, that goes to show how unfit for the position you are. You can't really go King Kong on me over commenting on an old application, but it's in your signature and it's still open, so I can post here.
    I'd wish you goodluck, but it seems you feel you don't need it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Acro

    Acro Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 9, 2015
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    No support.
    • You're not that reliable.
    • You're rude to people you don't like.
    • Seen you on only a few times.
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