Minetime Helper Applications

Discussion in 'Announcements Archive' started by Collin, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. snoboarder_2000

    snoboarder_2000 New Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    16, turning 17 in Febuary.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    United States, Connecticut

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Usually 4pm-6pm on weekdays and 4pm-2am on weekends.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I've been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.8, before NPC Villages. Yes, I currently own my own hosted server, so I'm constantly on monitoring that and playing on other servers I enjoy.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    For the reasons your looking for, No. I've been staff on two different rather large servers Mavina's Pixelmon and Neon Shift both had 70+ , although that's nothing compared to this. But No, Any server I enjoy playing on and the staff treats me well, and not disrespectfully, I have not been banned.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Usually Skyblock But I'm down for just about any gamemode. I'm a youtuber as well looking for new Ideas to record so I could play on many of the servers very often.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have. In Minecraft As Well as out. As I mentioned above, I have been mod on quite a few servers those 2 being the largest and currently owning my own server. As Well in real life I work at the local nature center in the summers. We have volunteers usually around 13 who come and help the animals. So, Basically What I do is find out what needs to be done and tell them to get it done.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Recently Not As Much, But with midterms passing, I can finally get my hours back up to 2-4 on weekdays and 2-8 on weekends. Not counting the days I'm snowboarding.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No, I don't have paypal, so I believe I cant donate.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    A while back although not on this account, it was on a friends, I joined just recently on this account.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    My Building is not the greatest, although I know A LOT about plugins. As I have my own server, I work and deal with them very often. If you have a problem, I can probably help fix it.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    In my opinon nothings impossible. If You try hard enough you can get there. Motivation is key and not giving up it was pushes you through. I would tell them to reach for the stars, and do whatever they can to reach this "impossible" goal.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, and yes I do have a mic, and a rather decent one to for recording. Its a P11 turtle beach. If I get the position I'll private message you my Skype.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I'd like to be helper for many various reasons. As I stated above I have a lot of practice with helping out in situations of need. As I have been playing minecraft for what I would consider a very long time, I've decided I need a new challenge. I want to go up to the next level. Recently I haven't seen much staff to answer questions so I want to be the one to answer them. I want to be there for people because no one was there for me when the website was down, but I didn't know. I thought I was doing something wrong, but no, it was the website. Many people including my parents see this as just a game but it isn't. Its a community, and I want to help out this minetime community in anyway I can, It deserves it. Also, before I started playing this server I had been trying out various mods, and the only one that really hooked me was pixelmon. This really brought my hours back up. And Then I found here. The community that I never want to leave, and those who want to ruin it by cussing and making poor decisions will regret any attempts they make on what could be an untouchable server. Also I have a lot of experience with spammers and haters, I can take anything they throw at me. Whether they tell me to "eff off" or "get a life" I'll have an answer.
  2. cstofd20

    cstofd20 New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? cstofd20

    How old are you? 16

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? New York

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? Well, my timezone is EST (Eastern) so I would would be free between 4-8pm. I am always free on weekends.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft for 2 years and I play everyday on your server.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have not been punished on any server, if you don't include the time I got banned by the server because it glitched.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I mostly play on Creative and occasionally play on Pvpfest and Prison.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I have always helped people at school if they had any problems with their schoolwork. Also, I am a certified babysitter and always help my step-aunt with her baby.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? I can play whenever you need me during my free time (which you saw earlier), but I usually play for 1-3 hrs everyday.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am currently the rank "Admin".

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime in 2012 in autumn.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I LOVE to build! That is why I am on creative a lot. I can build whatever you need me to and I am always more then happy to build things. Also I can answer questions if people had any. I have a lot of patience.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would say "If anything gets hard and you feel like quitting, get through it and keep going." Also, "Don't let others stop you form doing what you love.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I have both Skype and a microphone

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I just want to say, you did a great job creating this server and it is my favorite. If I don't become a helper, I wish you guys good luck!
    #382 cstofd20, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  3. Iridepie12

    Iridepie12 New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? My Minecraft username is Iridepie12.
    How old are you? I am currently 12 years old, but on February 24 of 2014 I will turn 13.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in the USA, and the state is Georgia.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am in the Eastern Time Zone, and my school gets out at 3:00. So it really depends on the day. Mainly any time after 5:30 PM or so.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I got my first laptop in 2012, and I was a huge fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition at the time. I finally bought Minecraft the January of 2013 and I loved it. I play a reasonable amount, I have other activities such as horseback and skateboarding so I am not on twenty four seven. But yes, this is my favorite and main server I play on.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? Well… I find this quite amusing. I was on the Minetime server and I was playing Hunger Games. I joined arena eight and I was in the chat, ‘Join arena 8! It is the bomb.com!’ and I was kicked and muted for advertising even though I was complimenting the map. So I didn’t do anything wrong… I honestly didn’t know the no advertising rule.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. The main server I play on is Skyblock.no-ip.org. I love that one! When my and one of my best friends are on together we play Hunger Games, and Skyblock. I also play creative, Sky Wars, Zombie Infestation, and Prison.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I have had several real-life authoritative positions. I volunteer at my church and at my school. Just recently at my church we served food for the homeless so they could enjoy turkey on Thanksgiving. I also go to King’s Ridge Christian School, our four pillars are Integrity, Respect, Determination, and Faith. I respect all of these, and follow them with my heart, and you will certainly see that through my work.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? I spend around an hour to two hours depending on what I have to do that day. Some days I’m too busy and some days I might be on forever.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? Yes, I am a donator. I am rank MVP. I am also saving my money through extra chores to move up another rank.
    When did you first join Minetime? I first joined Minetime in the beginning of 2013. So around a year, or 11 months. I remember the old lobby, the small glass room with five, maybe six portals. I even had bought the fly when it was in a package of its own. I also remember the Par Core portal and how you couldn’t speak in it and me and my friend would always spin around when we fell off.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I have a very creative mind and I am great at thinking about building ideas. I am rather good at interior decorating and I use stairs to my advantage. I may not be able to building an amazing castle, like the spawn in Creative, but I would at least love to try! I try never to give up and I always keep a positive attitude.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? “Never give up. Ever. If you give up then what do you work for? I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. Keep going, you can be whatever you want to be.”
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes, I have a Skype. When I skype my friends they do say that my volume is lower, and for my birthday I am asking for a microphone and other recording equipment.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I would love to join the Minetime team, and I am very grateful that you are taking the time to read through all of the applications and find the perfect team members. Thank you for spending the time, and energy to read through all of these. I really enjoy playing Minecraft, and I this server is amazing. Thank you for taking the thought of mine, and have a great and blessed day! J
  4. Sexy_katniss

    Sexy_katniss New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    Fourteen going on sixteen according to my parents. (Meaning level of maturity more than the naughty stuff.)

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    GMT: +7/8 I don't feel comfortable posting where I live exactly but if you would like to know please message me.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Usually afternoons. Generally about 3pm, whenever I come home from school until I have to start my homework/studies.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I can't quite remember- but I think since 2011.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Nope. I consider myself a good girl.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Most of the time creative, I spent quite a bit of time on my plot.:cool: It would be cool if you check it out since I can't seem to post a photo on here... and yes, i'm a bit of a 'noob' on these forum reply things. I admit I need to improve on that.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Well since I go to an international school the academic, sports and community service opportunities are everywhere. I have more real-life experiences in authoritative positions than on minecraft, but I believe that they will aid me to be the best 'helper' or 'moderator' that I can be. To give just a few examples; I have lead multiple groups for extra-curriculum activity group involved with teaching Burmese refugees since 2012. I have captained our girls football (soccer) team for 3 seasons and have helped coach younger students as well (swimming included.) The students in my class know that i'm a good leader as well and in result of this, I have been voted 'house captain' this year. Those are just a few examples as I don't want this app. to sound like my prefect role application (another authoritative, leadership position within school) that I have just submitted a few days ago. :D

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    During the holidays I played quite a lot, bringing some of my friends with me. Unfortunately recently I haven't been able to spend too much time on minecraft because of my maths mock exam for my IGCSE course which i'm taking a year early along with some other top students in my year group of 160 students. However, in a few weeks once all the pressure is over, I can resume my much needed relaxation time on Minetime.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Sad to say but i'm not a donator. I would love to donate in aid of the server and it's growth but my parents don't believe in minecraft so they would never allow it. I wish I could #rebel and steal their credit card or something, but i'm not a thief or fond of credit card fraud.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    Difficult question and it just happens i'm not sure what the answer is. Uhm... maybe three months ago...? Apologies for the unprofessionalism.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I feel my specific skills in Minecraft would be building, actually playing games such as hunger games and skywars. But I have almost no plugin experience. I think becoming part of your 'helper'/'moderator' team would teach me various things such as plugins which I haven't been able to be exposed to before.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    In my opinion, within certain guidelines, no task impossible.I have two younger sisters, both of whom i'm close to...If one of them came up to me and said "Zoe, I would like to [insert impossible task]" I would respond with "You know what? When I was your age, I used to dream about having the ability to fly. I have been on countless aeroplane flights since I was a baby because as you know, we travel a lot. (The country i'm living in right now is my 6th country of residence.) I grew up believing that this dream would ever be only a dream. Until, I saw on tv- the first person to use a wingsuit. I watched eyes wide open as they took the leap off the edge of a cliff and came beautifully gliding down, as if they were really flying. So Tara, whatever you want to do is possible just don't stop dreaming!"

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I do have skype. I would like to post it here: zoe.johnson1999 ;). Yes I have a microphone.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I think that through answering these questions, you guys will have begun to develop a small insight to my personality and abilities. I am far from being perfect. I'm not that genius coder or incredible architect but I can bring the element of down-to earthness to this team. Through experience from travelling I can relate and empathise with people from various cultures. I don't just give advice to somebody, I think about what people I admire would say and put my own opinions into account. :) This is the official end of my application but I have listed a few fun facts below if you would like to read them o_O
    1) The countries I have lived in are: France, Turkey, Libya, England, China and [insert current country.]
    2) I am also in the midst of learning: French, spanish and Mandarin (Chinese).
    3) I am a qualified PADI advanced junior scuba-diver.
    4) I am a keen photographer and have had some of my photos displayed before.
    5) I have two rescue dogs from the SPCA.
    6) One of these dogs can dance :O
    7) I can play a few instruments consisting of: Guitar, Piano, beginner violin and vocals.
    8) I love to play sports! Badminton, football (soccer), swimming, horse-riding, basketball and touch-rugby are my favourites.
    9) I have travelled to almost every country in the alphabet that is possible. Just need to get those pesky ones... e.g Y and Q.
    10) I have once made a mindmap that received an head of secondary commendation which was the size equivalent of about 40 A4 sheets of paper!

    THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING! Hope you can consider me as suitable for this role in the Minetime team!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Martijntje9

    Martijntje9 New Member

    Dec 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    hat is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    17 Years old.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    The Netherlands (Europe)
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Around 4:00-10:00, Not accactly, somewhere between that.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I've started playing minecraft around 2 years ago, and i've played it alot.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No, never i play according the rules.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Minetime.com ofcours!
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I've had my own server for 2 months, and i have been a Moderator on a server. But the server stopped, so at the moment, i don't have any.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    3-5 Hours.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am Premium donator rank.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I've joined a long time ago, but i can't remember it. I started real playing around 2 months ago.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I've got experience, so i know how to use plugins. I can't really build that good.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would try to help him, and if it doesn't work out i will talk to him, and find out how we can handle it.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, : Pascalvanheel
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    One more thing, I can speak Dutch, English, German and a little bit France.

    - Martijntje9.
  6. G_Tank1013

    G_Tank1013 New Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. MaxDoesMLG

    MaxDoesMLG New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    I am 15 years old.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in California, U.S.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I am on about 4:00-8:00 p.m.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I've played minecraft 10 months so far. I play all of my freetime which is usually 4 hours, sometimes more a day.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I have been banned on a another server making a trolling video for youtube.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I play only on Kit PvP and Overpowered PvP
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I am an Admin on another server. I joined it in March 2013 and played on it for a long time. I got the Mod position I've been wanting for a long time in August, and recently I was promoted to Admin. I've also been a leader for small groups of kids teaching them math.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I spend around one hour or so, 2-3 if I'm with my friends.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am a VIP
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I joined Minetime when a friend recommended it for me about 3 weeks ago.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am a very good builder. I've built spawns and such for other servers, I enjoy doing large projects as well such as castles. I think I'm the best at detailing buildings/projects though.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I'd say, "Good luck, I'm still yet to achieve what I want. I'll tell you this though, if you try hard and strive towards your goal, you will get there. So dream big!"
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have skype and I also own a microhphone.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I want you to know that if you give me something to do, set something up, I WILL find a way to do it. Excpet plugins, I am horrible at those:D
  8. urbancougar

    urbancougar New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?


    How old are you?

    20, 21 on Feb 11

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    I live in the US, California to be exact.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?

    I am typically on around 2pm-11pm. When I am on, I am on for hours at a time.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?

    I have only been playing for a about half a year. I do play almost everyday. I bring people onto the server with me to help build the community. We spend hours on the server.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?

    I have never been punished, or kicked from any other server. I respect the rules and help others.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.

    You can typically find me on the Survival server, and on Skyblock.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".

    • I worked as a volunteer at a school office. Doing paperwork, fetching kids from the classrooms, and working the phones.
    • In high school, I was a teacher's aid. I helped grade homework, once in awhile give lessons, helped the students with classwork, and lots more.
    • I was a baby-sitter for the family, and family friends. Everyday I would help the kids with homework, cook for them, and make sure they were not getting into trouble.
    • In high school, I was in Girl Scouts. We volunteered at different places. From helping feed the needy, to helping
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?

    Minetime is my main server. I spend most of my time on here. During majority of my time playing Minecraft, I am on Minetime.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?

    I am currently not a donator. I do plan on donating in the future.

    When did you first join Minetime?

    I started playing on Minetime shortly after I started playing Minecraft. I was searching for servers and I came across this one. I have loved it ever since.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?

    I am skilled at building and pvp. I am not the best, but I am pretty good. I have an example of my work on the Survival server.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?

    I would try to help them complete something as best as they can. If the task is impossible to complete, I will help them try their best to finish it as much as they can. Since it would be impossible, I could suggest a different route, or something similar to the task that is actually possible to complete.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.

    Yes, I do have Skype. I do have a microphone and camera.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

    I am a Business management Major, who plans on graduating next summer. I am a currently a full time college student, and I only attend classes 2 days out of the week, from 9 am- 2pm. While I am not doing homework or studying, I am on Minecraft. I currently do not work, so that gives me time to be on. ​
  9. Katarina (Kitty)

    Katarina (Kitty) New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Calfornia, United States

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I'm available mostly during the night time from 6-11 P.M.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    2 years

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I actually have been punished for using bad language; otherwise not really. The admins on that server were being jerks to me by ruining everything I make.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I play skyblock sometimes. However, as I discovered Skywars, I immediately fell in love with the creation. Skywars is very well made. Thank you very much Minetime.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I am the co-owner of scizorcraft, a small server that is credited with very friendly staff. Otherwise, I have only been the cadet captain of my NJROTC program, a Navy training at school.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I'm usually on for only about 2-3 hours, but I enjoy those times.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am not yet, but a possible soon to be.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    About half a year ago, my cute little brother showed me it.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am terrible with plugins, always having to ask others how to use them. My building experience is quite unique, houses I build usually are claimed by others. I wouldn't say I am a master at building, but I personally love my own buildings. Redstone is my no-no. :)

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Not the classic "don't give up". I do believe people can achieve dreams, but sometimes people have to be practical. I'd likely say "don't waster your time, get some help quickly".

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype; however, my microphone has failed me sadly. :(

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Emily, Drake, and Collin. I personally do not know you, but that can change quickly, I hope I can be useful to help make Minetime a better place than it is. Thank you for reading this application.
  10. IIGoldenWIngsII

    IIGoldenWIngsII New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    New Zealand!

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    New Zealand time zone= GMT+12 So, 10:00 am - 5:00pm (even later) I Do Minecrafr A Lot :D

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    About... 3-4 months? :)

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Nope, I'm a good girl! :p

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Well in Minecraft I am a Mod on one server and an Admin on another which is pretty kewlio. I have volunteered at the SPCA for 4 years now..

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Hmm, lots! I can't really say an exact amount of time but lots haha :)

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No sorry :(

    When did you first join Minetime?
    Around Xmas 2013

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    My main skill is a social skill. I absolutely LOVE talking to people and helping them out. I am also good at building but truthfully not at any redstone building materials, never ask me questions on that, haha. I am pretty good at fighting monsters off except when it comes to Baby Zombies, I have never liked them O_O ..

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    "Dream big! Never give up no matter what anyone tells you, just remember that!" ♥

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes and yes. My user is 'goldenwings92'.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I just want to say I would really really like to become part of the 'staff' because I really like helping people, it makes me feel really good! My main goal in life is to help one and others. Whenever I talk to a Mod or Admins (any rank above what I am atm) on Minetime, I really admire how nice and helpful they are, I look up to them as my idol!
    Also your server is fantastic!
    Please consider me.

    Many Thanks,
    IIGoldenWingsII (Cara)
  11. Jackdogdude1

    Jackdogdude1 New Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    What is your Minecraft username? jackdogdude1

    How old are you? 14

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in California

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am on from 4:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and am on from 12:00 to around 6:00 or 7:00

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have played minecraft for 2 and a half to 3 years now. I have loved this game ever since. As you have read on the question above I definitely play too much :p.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have only been punished (banned) on one server when one of the admins when crazy and banned everyone. I was later unbanned by the owner.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I play on the zombies server, the KitPVP server, the Skyblock server, and the Skywars server the most.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I own a server (used to own two but one closed from lack of donations), I have been modded on 6 servers, and am admin (not a donor rank like on minetime) on 2 servers. I also have two younger half-brothers who I am really good with.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Minetime is the server I play on the most. All other servers do not offer all the minigames and gamemodes that Minetime does. I say that this is the only server I play on, besides occasionally going on the servers that I am admin and mod on.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am currently a V.I.P on Minetime.

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime in September of 2013. A friend told me about the server and I have loved the server ever since.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I am currently learning how to create bukkit plugins. I am a average skilled builder on Minecraft (I have created all buildings on my server except for a few). I also know how to setup/configure plugins (I have had experience on my server).

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would say that nothing is impossible and to never give up on that dream. Nothing is impossible.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I do have Skype and I do have a microphone. I have a relatively nice microphone (Razor Kraken 7.1) because I record videos for youtube. My Skype username is jack.garland123

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I am really great with people and I hope that I will get to bring me helping people to a whole new level.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Antilogy

    Antilogy New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? Antilogy (Previously noggin291)

    How old are you? 22

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? Michigan

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am a graduate school student, so my schedule is very asymmetrical. However, I can usually commit evenings and weekends consistently.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I started playing in beta 1.4 and have not stopped. I play almost exclusively minecraft, as no other game quite captures my intrigue or curiosity quite like it.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    As far as I know, I have not been punished. I ran both my usernames through mcbans and fishbans and found nothing.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Honestly, I've not played on your servers before. While I agree that this is the weak point of my application, I implore you to acknowledge that If I am accepted here, I will be as loyal and active as I have been on previous projects, which I will explain in the next question.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".

    I have experience moderating both forums and servers. I am a moderator for minecraft forum and have been for over a year: http://www.minecraftforum.net/user/856468-antilogy/

    Server wise, I was a moderator for Erecia, a role playing server, before being promoted to admin. You can see their website here

    I have had ranks higher than moderator on several different groups. In several of these situations, I had to moderate as well as manage. In RFG I did a political philosophy study to try to recreate different theoretical states of nature in Minecraft. I wrote a pex file that was 5,000 lines long for RFG.

    For Cylum Network, my most recent project, I attempted to develop a new hub server with minigames, survival, and creative. At the time Cylum failed, we had 4 minigames, about 8 minigame maps, an amazing spawn, and a xenforo website (which I helped to moderate). I posted my entire business plan on this and other sites as well as offered all my maps here.

    For Funtania, we had 7 servers in total, spread across 128 gigs of ram. We had 500 website members and over 1000 in game members. This was before bungee, so we were quite large. We ran gearz, which was a top 10 tekkit server.


    Real Life:

    In high school, I founded and ran a charity that refurbished computers and gave them out to kids in need. The award winning organization donated 350 computers in the three years I was in charge.

    In college I ran a Legislative Advisory Council, a group established and funded by the state designed to allow younger members of society a more direct way to voice their opinions.

    Currently I'm in law school and learning how I can continue to develop my resume ;)

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Please see my previous answer about this particular server. With Cylum, my previous project, I spent hundreds of hours building, planning, managing, and recruiting. Now that that is over I am looking for a place where I can continue to contribute without the stress of exclusive top-level decision making. I have heard wonderful things about this server from friends and I believe I can help. After I post this thread, I will post more examples of my work and submit new ideas. ;)

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am not. If it is required to become staff, I will consider it. However, I do not agree in principle with the idea of "buying" staff and will contribute financially not for perks or for a rank, but because I want to reward a server for creating and maintaining a positive atmosphere and innovative tool for the community.

    When did you first join Minetime? Today. :)

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?

    I am fairly skilled in a number of different fronts and will go over each with examples. If you have questions or require more specific proof, please contact me and I will provide. I try to be as transparent as possible, especially because I have no experience on this specific group.

    Building: I own my own build server and I am proficient in large builds, futuristic style, and world edit. The following are examples that I built 100% myself. If you would like to see these builds and others that I contributed to, please contact me and I will show you my server. It is private and for my personal use.

    Marketing: I have experience marketing and promoting servers on multiple platforms, including Youtube, Minecraft Forums, Twitter. I have strong youtube contacts and can bring large channels to servers for nominal fees. I've spent countless hours on Minecraft Forums and I understand the ins and outs of promoting a server.

    Intellectual Prowress: I'm a man of ideas and I work very hard to bring them to fruition. Recently, I failed in my latest server project. As such, I have a number of ideas floating around, some in various states of completion. Please view the following videos for examples:

    I have an elaborate business plan that I developed and I would be willing to share. Please view the following thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-to-make-my-network-business-model-a-reality/

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would give them the same advice my dad gave me before I went to college, "Surround yourself with successful people and you can achieve anything." I have a few friends and contacts in the community who are quite young yet still made a name for themselves by doing "the impossible, and I would also point them towards those examples. Finally, I would warn them not to let those dreams get in the way of real life. Not everybody gets to play Premier League Football. :)

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I have two accounts. My public account is noggin291, and anybody is welcome to add me. I'm more likely to be on my public account except when I'm recording. I have a semiprofessional sound board and one of the best dynamic microphones in existence. The Sennheiser e935 is crystal clear and doesn't pick up background noise (except for the train...)

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I know it's not impressive for me to apply here without playing here before today. In truth, I'm applying for several networks, as I believe I have the credentials and abilities to become an asset and an exemplar of maturity and leadership. I will be as loyal and hardworking for whatever network I am accepted at and will do my best to 1) try to improve, and 2) be professional. I am very detail oriented. I'm also quite friendly and I like meeting and talking to new people. Thank you very much for your time.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. TheCreeper7880

    TheCreeper7880 New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
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    • username: TheCreeper7880

    • age: 20

    • i live in AUS
    test &b hi collin
    • time zone and on: VIC on all day night for you:)
    • how long have you played MC and do you play a lot A long time i play so much;)
    • have you been bad on a server no i have not
    • what do you go on most Sky block,creative
    • don't want to write this yes i have i am a admin(top staff) on a server
    • i go on Minetime 7:00-5:00 (with some stopping)(my head set just broke:()
    • i am a [CEO]
    • when i started MC
    • if some one want's to do some thing you cant do i will say you cant do that i cant and you 8 and i am 20 no one can
    • yes i have Skype my head set broke:(
    • plz accept i can help a lot
    • -TheCreeper7880
  14. Superarragon7

    Superarragon7 New Member

    Dec 6, 2013
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    I am currently 13 years old.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in the United States - Virginia to be exact.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    My timezone is EST, so that would mean 9am-11pm on weekends, and around 4pm-10pm on weekdays if I have school. If I have no school, then it is the same time as weekends.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I've had Minecraft for almost 2 years now, and I usually play whenever I can now that I have a computer.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Yes, I have been punished before. I used to be foolish and go around doing crazy things on servers just for fun (I got banned a few times for that). Although I can't exactly remember all the reasons I was punished for, I have definitely learned not to do what I have done in the past. On two or three servers (Tekkit), I was a fairly rich player on the server until I got griefed and tried to get revenge. Since then I've fully realized what I was doing and learned how I could control my stupidity and be more mature about things.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I prefer to play on Survival, Skyblock, and Prison the most because I enjoy playing on them slightly more than the other servers.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    When I think about it, not much really. The only "authoritative" position I can think of was being staff on a few Minecraft servers. A major one was tacos1223's old server named Runecraft, where I ranked up to Co-Owner and helped him with almost everything.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Depending on where I am, what I have to do, and whether or not I have access to a computer, I am on Minetime anywhere from 0-10 hours a day.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am not a donator, so I do not have any donator rank at the time of posting this.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    January 4th, 2014. I would've joined in early December, but I didn't have a computer at the time and I finished building a new one recently.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I can create detailed builds with a good structure in several different styles, but mainly modern and nordic. The only pictures I have of my builds were outdated though (early 2013), so they do not accurately show what I can build and I'm currently working on making more builds in my free time.

    As for servers/plugins, I have quite a bit of experience because I owned a few servers that had 40-50 plugins in the past, but I gave up on them due to lack of players. I know how to use and setup the most common plugins such as Essentials, WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, Lockette, and many more of which I do not remember the name.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    My first response would be "Not everything is possible, but try your best and don't give up. It is also good to have a backup plan if something doesn't go the way you wanted it to."

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype and a microphone to go with it. I try to be on as much as possible, but I occasionally get signed out automatically even though I have my sign out option set to "never."

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Yes. I have a bit of OCD, I always like to stay calm, I like to try new things, I built my own computer that I'm using right now, and I'm eager to learn more about everything that I can. Not much else except that I put 1990 instead of 2000 on my profile (which would be great if you fixed it).
    #394 Superarragon7, Jan 13, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Sanzhin

    Sanzhin New Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? Sanzhin

    How old are you? 11 turning 12

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? Australia

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? on weekends or holidays from 7:00am to 2:00pm and on weekdays around 5:00pm to 7:00pm

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft since 1.7.8 beta and know the game inside out and I play minecraft nearly everyday

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? no, I have never been Punished on any server. I follow the rules and always help new player to the server even if I'm not moderator I just like helping players

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Factions, Skywars and SkyBlock

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I have been a trusted vip on a few servers and a moderator on a few of my families older servers. I always want to become a moderator or just a helper on servers so Ill have more commands and more freedom to help new or struggling player.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? 3 to 4 hours

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? no I am not a donator but I am hoping that my dad will get me a rank if I become a helper. I would like to get the V.I.P rank.

    When did you first join Minetime? the first time I joined minetime was February 2013, I played for a few months but then I had I break so I could focus on school.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I am a good builder but I couldn't build something really good, I'm just average. I am also good at understanding plugins and I can learn code because my dad works with servers for hospitals and sometimes minecraft.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I'd say Even though other might say its impossible, its not if you believe in yourself and that you can accomplish it. Keep trying and never give up. That's how I reach my goals and dreams.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I do have Skype and a working headset. My Skype name is Sanzhin

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    No, I have stated everything in other questions in this application
  16. Seth Matarazzo

    Seth Matarazzo New Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    My helper Application

    What is your Minecraft username?
    My Minecraft username is Samoseth93

    How old are you?
    I am twenty years old

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in Michigan, USA

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I am on mostly around 11:00 Pm though 6:00 Am. Sometimes earlier.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft for over a year. About 5 months on my own profile.
    I play at least three to four hours a day, sometimes up to six hours

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I got kicked for lagging to the point it seemed like i was "flying". And for being idle for too long for reasons like going to go get food etc.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I like to very my games, but I am mostly on Skywars, Hunger Games, and Prison.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have been in the military since i was seventeen, so i have been given the chance to become a NCO "Non commissioned Officer". Being a sergeant i am the leader of a section in my profession. My profession is a data system specialist for Field Artillery.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Minetime is my new favorite server so I only play on it when I am on
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I have not donated and i apologize in advance I honestly don't have the money nor I honestly don't know how.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    I first Joined Minetime about a couple weeks ago.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have a wide imagination i am good at building pretty much anything if the time is right.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say " You can accomplish anything you want long as you do all the work and put your heart into it"

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype and yes i do have a microphone even tho it kinda sucks on the audio input on my side so it might be a little hard to hear me at times. my Skype is on my profile.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I will release any information that you need to know to make any situation doable.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Eric Kim

    Eric Kim New Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    My Minecraft username is ekim18, however it sometimes glitches and comes up as ekim.
    How old are you?
    I am 15 years old.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Seoul, South Korea, I used to live in the US.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    6pm - 10pm and sometimes during school hours.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing for around 3 years.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Survival, Creative, Factions, and Hunger Games.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes, I was owner of many servers for my friends in school, and I was once part of a staff in an official server. I also helped setup an international school Model United Nations debate in South Korea, and I usually do tech support for my school events.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Around an hour each day.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No, but I plan on donating in the future.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    1 week ago, I recently re-installed Minecraft and forgot to backup my servers, so I searched up "Minecraft Servers" in Google and found Minetime.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I like to build, mine, and I lead a lot of factions before in different servers.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say "Wow, that's a great dream to have. You should always hope for the best and I hope that you can accomplish your dream. If you need any help from me, I be happy to help!"
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, I have a Macbook Pro that comes with a in-built microphone. My Skype is jskim18.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I usually play at 6 PM - 10 PM. This is around 1 AM to 5AM in the USA. I don't think a lot of staff members would be able to watch the server at this time. So I could watch the server with other people that is available, and I will always be able to watch servers when it is night in America.
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    • Useful Useful x 1
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