Minetime Helper Applications

Discussion in 'Announcements Archive' started by Collin, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. dcseal

    dcseal New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    1. my minecraft username is dcseal.
    2. i am 9 years old.
    3. i live in california.
    4. i am usually online all day.
    5. i've been playing since 2012 and i play alot
    6. i have only been given warnings on things.
    7. i mostly visit factions, survival and sometimes creative.
    8. i have never really been a helper in anything, so thats why i want to be a helper.
    9.i play up to 10 but mostly play lower then that.
    10.i am a CEO and have been helping people from that rank.
    11. i can't really remeber but i think i joined in 2012 a when i was 8 yrs old.
    12. i am good at helping and PVP also survival and very good at building.
    13. i would say good luck at try to help as much as i can.
    14. i do not have skype, or a micrphone.
    15.The few resons i want to be a helper/moderator is i like helping and i want to do something good for people. i would respect the rules and i did not lie on this applacation even thoe i am probaly not going to get picked since of my age but i am still giving it a try. i will be mature and i hope i get picked i wish my self luck.
  2. Pr0b1em

    Pr0b1em New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? My Minecraft username is Pr0b1em.

    How old are you? I am 12, to be honest... Please don't turn me down
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in Britain so I can speak fluent English, and spell it :) (English is from Britain, just saying)

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I play at 4:15pm to 8/8:30 on an average weekday, on weekends I'm online for like 6 hours, a day.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft for a year now, and still enjoying it like when I started playing.. :))

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have never been punished on a server before, yay!

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I enjoy the Prison server the most, I like the PvP area... I have 2 stacks of diamonds and just lost a really good sword.. Ooops

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I used to be quite high ranks in groups on a game called ROBLOX.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? I spend around 3 hours a day on Minetime on a weekday, on weekends quite a lot more.. I'm probably on for about 6 hours a day on weekends because I enjoy Minecraft, best game I have played in a long time!

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? No I'm not sorry :(

    When did you first join Minetime? I first joined Minetime a couple of weeks ago.. After typing in 'best minecraft servers', and this popped up and it sure is the best server!

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I build alot on offline mode and build mansions, cinemas, castles... I build anything you ask

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would tell them 'that's not possible, sorry to tell you..' I think I'm a bit tight like that..

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I do have Skype, and a microphone, but no webcam.. I am online quite a lot and Skype is awesome.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? Err.. I'm a happy person!
    #262 Pr0b1em, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  3. ryley1football

    ryley1football New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Minetime Staff Application

    What is your Minecraft username?
    My official Minecraft Username is ryley1football (That is a one in between ryley and football)

    How old are you?

    Today, I am 16 years of age. I have been playing Minecraft for 5 1/2 years, after my neighbor introduced me to it.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I am currently living in San Francisco, California

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    According to my time zone, I am on most days from 4PM to 5:30 or 6PM. On weekends, I am on from 9:30AM to around 12PM, and usually find time for Minecraft in the afternoon, around 3PM or so.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft since I was 11 years old. Yes, I believe I do play often, and on enough to be a staff employee on any server.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?

    Yes, I have been punished, but only once. I was muted for 1 hour on Minetime Factions because I said, "wtf". I have learned from my mistakes, and I promise, it won't happen again.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    On Minetime, I mostly play on Factions, KitPvP (PvP Fest), Skywars, Skyblock, and Prison.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes, I have had experience in an authoritative position. I go to a leadership school in San Francisco, I'm co-chair of my school's student council, and volunteer at my church on Sundays. I am also the captain of my Water Polo team, as well as the captain of my Rugby team. On Minecraft, since I love Factions, I have been the leader of quite a few different factions. I have also been an Admin on a few other servers, such as Lichcraft and Azzamo Network.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I spend most of my Minecraft hours on Minetime Factions or KitPvP.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No, I am not a donator, but please don't be discouraged to read the rest of my application

    When did you first join Minetime?
    I first joined Minetime when one of my friends and I were looking for faction servers. We came across Minetime on minestatus.net.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have specific skills in Minecraft, and that is social and leadership skills. On creative servers, I always build awesome clubs, and throw big parties. On faction servers, I build up my faction, negotiate with other factions about political faction stuff, and most importantly, have many allies who will help out at a moment's notice. On factions, I am never a tyrant. I do not take advantage of my faction. What I do, is lead them to victory, over all enemies that try and destroy us.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    To someone younger than me, I would say a few things:
    If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds.
    If you ever find yourself knocked down, get yourself right back up.
    If you ever find a barricade, blocking you from your destiny, smash it into pieces.
    If you ever get an order from your boss, even if he sent you to a place that you would certainly get a beating, don't come back mad at him. You come back and say,"I am back, sir!! Do you need me to do it again?!!?" Respect your elders.
    If your friend needs help in a fight, even if you're headed straight into the belly of the beast, not knowing if you'll come back dead or alive, you go.
    Above all, no matter what, do not cheat yourself. Never use hacks to your advantage. Using hacks to your advantage is not a measure of how good you are, because you're just lying to yourself. This also applies in real life. If you are on a sports team, do not be the cheater who takes steroids, just to be "better".

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I have a Skype and a microphone, so I can chat, if necessary.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Two more things. With my age, I think I can bring some unity and leadership to all of the Minetime servers. I read some of the applications, and saw mostly 12 to 13 year olds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put them down. I had my first Admin role when I was 12. I would also like to say that I have a passion, and a natural skill for leadership. I promise you that I will work hard to the best of my abilities to make Minetime the best that it can possibly be. You can count on me.

    Everything that I said in this post are not lies, I promise you.

    Thanks for listening, Collin!:)
  4. ryley1football

    ryley1football New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What do you mean by 'Needs help'? Do you mean that it hasn't been read, or it's just denied?
  5. MyLampShade

    MyLampShade New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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  6. D3ADN4TI0NS

    D3ADN4TI0NS New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? D3ADN4TI0NS

    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    united kingdom
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    3:00 to 10:00
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    5 years
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    no i have not been punished on any other server
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    i play on skyblock and survival mostly
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    i am i volunteer at coppel bmx track in the uk
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    7 to 8 hours a day
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    i have mvp rank
    When did you first join Minetime?
    3 years ago
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    i am a good builder and i am good with redstone
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    if you fail try and try again untill you are sucsessful and dont give up
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    i have skype and i do have a microphone
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?​
    The few resons i want to be a helper/moderator is i like helping and i want to do something good for people. i would respect the rules and i did not lie on this applacation even thoe i am probaly not going to get picked since of my age but i am still giving it a try. i will be mature and wont let you down

  7. Grif

    Grif New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    My Minecraft username is MINEXMAN77.

    I am currently 13

    I live in the state o f Minnesota.

    8:00 am - 9:00 pm

    I have been playing for 1 year and I play A lot.

    I have been punished for escaping the maps in the game mode Infected, but I don't have any hacks AT ALL or mods. I have been banned from the server for 1 week and I have learned my lesson and have never ever done it ever again.

    I play mostly on SKY WARS, FACTIONS, and INFECTION.

    I help my dad with his work because it is fun and I like fixing computers.

    2-7 hours

    I am not a donator yet, but I will donate soon and I vote for the server when ever I can.

    I joined MINETIME about a week and a half ago.

    I am very good at building but I am not perfect and I am getting a lot better at it.

    I would tell him/her to work hard and try their best to accomplish it.

    I currently don't have Skype but should be getting it soon, but I do have a mic and a headset.

    They have a great server and I would love to help them improve it and help grow their community.
  8. go2orange

    go2orange New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Wisconsin, USA.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Central time, active after 11pm weeknights. Available weekends
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    Since Minecraft 1.0, 2011. I spend the majority of my gaming on the weekends.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I thoroughly enjoy Hunger Games and spend the vast majority of my time on it. I also regularly play on HYPIXEL.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I am the "belt captain" at my current occupation at UPS. I help organize and coordinate my work area to assure quick and efficient work methods.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?

    Varying hours on the weekend and during the week when possible. (part time student and work)
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Donated $5
    When did you first join Minetime?
    Spring 2013
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    General understanding but a fast learner.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?

    Anything is possible with enough effort. Even if you don't accomplish your goal the first time, you learn from your mistakes and grow.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Skype avaiable
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Additonal information http://imgur.com/DseLFCf
    #268 go2orange, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  9. Bunk

    Bunk New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? Bunkerostrich22

    How old are you? 14

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in texas

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?From 4pm to 9pm

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? 2 years I play almost every day

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? no I have never been punished on any server

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I mostly play on factions

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? yes I manage a growing team of youtubers

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? about 4 hours a day

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?

    When did you first join Minetime? about 2 days ago

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Yes I have played around with many plugins on my friends server but it is not always up and I am a great at pvp and i love to build

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Work as hard as you can and someday it will happen

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    yes I have Skype and a great microphone
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I have Had lots of experience working as an admin on small servers but all of them where sadly shutdown

    #269 Bunk, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
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  10. juliusbalbus

    juliusbalbus New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?
    My Minecraft Username is juliusbalbus.
    How old are you?
    I am 14 years old.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)
    I live in the United States. The State I live in is New York.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    On Monday through Friday I am on from about 6:00 Pm to 8:pm
    On Sundays and days I have off from school, I am on for about 12 hours of the day.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft for a year now. I really really play a lot.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I have never been punished on any server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I mostly play Creative, Factions, and Kit PvP
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    In Minecraft I have been a OP on a server. I was a Admin. In real life I volunteer in a Pet Store.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I usually spend 5-10 hours in a day on Minetime.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No, I am not a donator.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I first joined Minetime 5 months ago.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    Some of my skills in Minecraft are redstone, building, and PvP
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say, I'm really sorry but that task is really impossible. Maybe I can do something alike that with you. Would you like that?
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    No I do not have Skype
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

    Yes. My name is Julius, and I really like Minetime. I enjoy all the activities there are. I am a animal lover. I currently have 32 pets. I am so so happy that these Helper Applications for Minetime because this is the best server I have ever been on and I'm sure others think that too. I really hope my request gets accepted. I love you all!!! <3 <3 <3 I'd like to say one more thing. Thank you for everyone who took their time to read my application. I really really appreciate it.
  11. dragonfire336

    dragonfire336 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? Dragonfire336

    How old are you? 13

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? North Reading Massachusetts

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I'm on after 2:40 unless i have a big school project or vacation.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft for about three years, being 2014.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have been muted for swearing after i have been raided, but no real harm was intended.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. mostly the faction server with my friends.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I am a Boy Scout, I baby sit my little brother from time to time, and i volunteer for services like cleaning the beach.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? a couple hours.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? No i haven't donated, but mostly just because i don't have much money.

    When did you first join Minetime? about three days ago, but i find it is very enjoyable.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I'm good at working with a group to get assorted things done, like large building projects.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Try your best, but don't spend time you don't have on this dream.

    yes i have skype, and a good mic. sorry but i had to edit the post to tell you this.
    #271 dragonfire336, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. AmintheKid

    AmintheKid New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
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    What is your Minecraft username? AmintheKid

    How old are you? 12 Years Old.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? Australia.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? 5:00AM -7:00AM And 4:00PM To 8:30PM Daily (UTC+10:00)

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? For 3Yrs. Yes Almost EveryDay For Atleast 5 Hours.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? No Im Actaully Very Well Known On Most Servers I Play On

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Well I Play On HungerGames,Prison,KitPVP, Skywars And Sometimes Zombie Infection And Factions

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I Used To Be The Captain Of My FootBall (Soccer) Team

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Atleast 2 Hours .

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? MVP.

    When did you first join Minetime? When I Joined Minetime First Time It Was In December 2012 Or Janurary 2013 On An Account Named DaxtrLazardzMC But I Gave It To My Young Brother Now Its AmintheKid.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Im A Boss At PVP Can 2v1 People Who Have Better Armour And Weapon Than Me Even That My Internet Is A Bit Horrible And Also Have A Very Creative Mind When It Comes To Building Houses.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Well I Would Just Tell Him To Do His Best Even Though He Might Fail.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes But As For Now A Pretty Bad Computer I Plan On Building A PC In June Or Earlier

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? That Im A Very Helpful Person I Usually Help People When There New To Minetime Like How To Use A Kit In PVP Or Even How To Join Or Leave A Arena In HungerGames
  13. MyLampShade

    MyLampShade New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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  14. Elvir Delic

    Elvir Delic New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? My in game name is Iron_Steve302.

    How old are you?I am thirteen years old.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in the US, in the state of Michigan.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? Well i am Usually on Between five pm and seven pm.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have played Minecraft for two years so far, and i play almost all day on week days during break. But i play around 2 hours a day normally. Also if i am accepted i can give a lot of my time towards Minetime.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have been punished on one server before, and that is because i argued with staff about the staff being rude to the players. Also keep in mind that the owner was 12.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I usually like to play the hunger games or skywars.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I am the captain on my soccer team, so i know how to deal with expectations very well. I also am in a build team, so i also know creativity very well, along with the art classes i take on my free time.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? I can contribute about two hours a day, but i just joined the server a while ago, and since i find the server very great.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I have not donated yet, sorry.

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime a day ago, again sorry for the convenience.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Like i listed before, i am in a build team, and i take art classes on my spare time. So i am very creative. Also i am a very quick learner. I am in a excelled math and science school called MMSTC. Also keep in mind i am in eighth grade.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would tell them to keep chasing their dream. Anything is possible with faith consistency and hard work. I believe those three words mean success.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I do have a Skype, along with a microphone, and a headset. So no static noises, or inconvenient noises of some sort will be a problem.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I have nothing else to say. I think my application says all you need to know. Hope you accept.
  15. VerbalTerz

    VerbalTerz New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? VerbalTerz

    How old are you? 13.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? Australia, SA

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? around 6-7 hours depending on the day schedule.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing minecraft for 3 years offline and only 3 days online.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I Have been Muted for accidently keeping caps lock on, nothing serious I would assume.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I play all of the servers but I play Prison the most.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I used to be the owner of a small business walking dogs in my neighbourhood and I was a recognized captain of my soccer club.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? about 6-7 hours, its the only server I can connect to and enjoy.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am not a donator, I would love to be though.

    When did you first join Minetime? 24hours-2 days.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Im great at survival, pixel art and 3d design on minecraft.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? just go for it, if you don't get what you dreamed for you dreamed to far, so lower your standards and try again. you will get to your goal when you make it up the ladder of dreams -not my verse. all credit goes to J.F.Kennedy.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. yes I do have Skype now and a microphone(usename=techi123pogo)-little sis made name for me <.> so cute- also I have Xbox Live with a headset which I talk to a lot of people through.

    Anything else Emily, Drake or I should know? I have anger problems and get agitated easily, please don't allow this to discourage you from accepting but do know that I will go offline for an hour or two before going back online.

    please take my application into deep consideration just like you do with the rest.:p
    #275 VerbalTerz, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
  16. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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  17. SammiJoCraft12

    SammiJoCraft12 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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  18. DaLegitBeast

    DaLegitBeast New Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    IGN - My In-Game-Name is "DaLegitBeast".

    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application - Yes, I understand.

    Age: 17. I'm going to 18 in 04/10/2014.

    Timezone - (UTC-03:00) Central

    What time are you most often on? (your time) - I'm always more in the evening, I start at 19:00 To 22:00 and sometimes I get to 23:00. And in the morning I get A 4 hours or 3. I love the Minetime! Almost always I'm in it.

    Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? - Well , I was born in Kansas and live in Kansas. So I know how to speak and write well enternder Portuguese , which is the language they speak here in Brazil . But my father he was born in Denmark and there they speak Danish , and so I know more or less write in Danish , I understand everything in Danish , and I know how to speak a little Danish . And my mother was born in Brazil , and I live with her and my father is working in Denmark . And so I play , I ended up learning to write English, but I do not understand if someone speaks to me and also I can not speak english , I just know even write in the chat.So I know how to write English, I know how to speak understand and write Portuguese and I understand Danish ( if someone speaks to me ) and I can write a little Danish I know and speak a little Danish. And I know how to speak a little English , but never talked to a person who speaks English , because if I say something I do not know what it is, may be some offencive word or something.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -
    Look, this is very time I play Minecraft. I started playing Minecraft in the year it was released. I loved it, and so far I love it, and I am very good at it, I am good at building and etc. ... I think I played some 80 times when I first started playing, I do not even remember why many years have passed ... Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - I've been banned 1 time of the ItsJerryAndHarry server. But anything else because when we entered some server, we always have to read the rules.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - I have enough experience because I am Moderator Moderator within various server, but I'm [Owner] on my own server :)
    But I am too Moderator for:
    And LuckyCraft.
    And I am Admin on:
    And I am Head-Admin on:
    HotCheese Network
    Survival and LittlePotato.
    And Owner:
    My own server :)
    And if any Moderator a mini-game losing because one is better than him, the Moderator can not kick or ban just for that. Can only kick or ban if serious reasons.

    Where are you most active on the server? - I'm always always turn around the server, but before, I was always in Creative, but now I'm more in Skyblock in Factions. I do not know why I started to like it, but I like it :)

    How many hours can you contribute per day? - Now on vacation, I can 10 hours, but when I'm not on vacation I can 8 hours.

    Are you A Rank? If so What Is It? -
    My Rank Is Enhanced

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - I would give the advice that older people would have patience with younger people.
    This has happened to me, a child of 7 years, she wanted to play on my computer, but I would not want her to take my computer, but I had to give it. And then I had to be patient until she want to leave. I was 16 and my mother forced me to borrow the computer for child. These smaller people are not as smart without offending the little people, but because they do not have many years of training and stuff, so we need to have enough patience with them, and not annoy them too, because then they get angry . But Some are not. When they are angry with 2 or 3 years old. But you have to think that these people that deal with computer a few years old, when they are larger, with about 16 or 21 years, will be very smart, because they have had many years of training. Like us, every time we play more, learn more about games, and are faster at it.
    Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? - Yes, I use. TeamSpeak is very cool, I like it and a days I make a mistake and I don't remember to go to the TeamSpeak, but Most times, I will TeamSpeak.

    Are you able to record? - Yes, I am. I have a youtube channel, and I have 48 videos on youtube. But I only have 1,291,654 Subscribers :/
    And I speak English, so that is why I have so many .. Subscribers

    Anything else we should know? -
    Look, I'm a nice person, and reliable, you can accept me because I'm going to help a lot, and I would be a good Staff ...
    It would be great if they accept me!
    I love the Minetime, I bought TimeLess because I wanted to support the Minetime and help you quite!!
    I love Minetime soo much!!
    I love Minecraft too, I love all very!
    The Minetime is a creative, cool, and more person!
    It's the best server in the world!!
    The server is soo famous! He always has 1k people within it!
    Very cool the server.
    When I joined the forums Minetime server, I WAS IMPRESSED.
    Because I got:
    I was impressed because I had so many messages, I found this thing so cool that you can write your signature. Had so many members! The list of members went to page 2714! Many members is impressive. I think anyone who now entered the forum, as I was impressed that there were so many members, many discussions, many threads and many words, letters and everything. The Minetime server is very famous (as I said), the site of Minetime is awesome! I fell for him and left aside the other site from a server that I was now only when I'm at my funeral, I'll stop getting that site because I will be alive. But the site is so cool, it will give me a potion of life, then I'm going out of my coffin, and I'll start a new life, only that site, the Minetime.
  19. luke123452468

    luke123452468 Expert Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? luke123452468.

    How old are you? 11 years old.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in Manitoba, Canada.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? On weekdays 4:00pm to 8:00pm, on holidays
    10:00am to 3:00pm. (Central Time)

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft for a year and a half,
    online everyday.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have never been punished on any server.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Usually on Skyblock,
    Creative, Survival, and OP PVP.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I own a server that I am currently working on.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? About 4 hours.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I have the Admin rank.

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime about 5 months ago.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? Not really, I am pretty good with
    WorldEdit though.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Try your best, nothings impossible!

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I have a Skype account and a headset aswell.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? Minetime is a great server, keep up the good work! Almost always have over one thousand people!
  20. ender21man

    ender21man New Member

    Nov 29, 2013
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    ender21man Helper Application

    What is your Minecraft username?
    The username of my main account ender21man. (Other accounts include ender12man).
    How old are you?

    I am 13 years of age. (Seems a lot longer though).
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    I live in Queensland Australia.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?

    I am mostly online minecraft in generally, 10:00am-5:00pm, but I'm mostly on minetime from 10:00am-5:00pm most days anyway.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?

    I've been playing Minecraft since March 2011 and I mostly play Minecraft everyday that I can.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I was banned on a prison server for 'Really' as I bet someone that the owner hated them. After they banned me they ended up being demoted.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.

    I mostly am on Minetime for the infection, but I am starting to branch into SkyWars, Prison, Survival Games, and will soon follow by hopefully exploring the whole server.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".

    In real life I currently don't participate in community activities as I have never been in a city/town long enugh to as my parents are always moving me around. I'm hoping to get into activities such as skippers, and soccer. But as I have not been in an authoritative position in real life, I have been Moderator on a Faction server, Head-Admin on another (shut down), And I am currently a Guard on a prison server.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?

    I usually spend anyway from 5-7 hours on Minetime.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?

    I am a donator but not much compaired to others. My current donator rank is Admin and hoping for Timeless sometime this month.
    When did you first join Minetime?

    I first joined Minetime in October 2013. Since then I have been playing and enjoying.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?

    My current skills with server are building/architecture, wide plugin knowledge and permissions knowledge.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?

    For someone younger than, I would not just give them the whole advice of 'You can do anything you dream'. An Impossible task is Impossible. I would tell him that, 'Its not one that accomplishes amazing feats, its team work, and hard work at that. Yes this is Impossible, but just to come near enough, that would be something to be proud of.'
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.

    I do have Skype and my Skype name is ( Leighton.hughes2 ) but as I am in Australia, if you Skype call me, there will be a slight microphone lag.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

    I would just like all of you to know, great job, you got so many people online at once (I know that's obvious but still) great work. 1 thing that people hate about Infection though, the Temple map if you could build a new temple then just paste it in there, that would be great. I have actually done building in Minecraft building previously so if you would like those, than just add me on Skype and I'll get those straight to you. And just, wish everyone else who applied best wishes, Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New Year, and hope you enjoy. Thankyou for your time and thankyou for your courtesy.
    #280 ender21man, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
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