Honest Opinions!!! :)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Masterenderwolf, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Masterenderwolf

    Masterenderwolf Expert Member

    Jul 3, 2015
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    I just get really curious at times at what people think about me etc :)
    And Thank you.
    Also yea I don't like to argue or get mad because it's generally pointless :)
    I've always been cocky it's just one of my traits :)
    I make threads like this at times when I just want to know what people think about me or the chosen topic of the thread :)
    I know people consider me a staff try hard but I like to naturally be friendly I'm not really trying to prove anything.
    And Thanks :) :)
    Also I never said myself or anyone was a god or king of skywars because there isn't you can be a pro or a expert like me or Forge8 but it doesn't mean your a God or King of it :)

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