[9.18.16] Cover Photos

Discussion in 'Changelog Archive' started by Pile, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Petty104

    Petty104 Forum Enthusiast

    Jun 12, 2015
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    If it took me a year or something to get here, probably gonna take another if I stay like this

    Unless I spam, which I won't

    But if you mean I'm 5/6 (or 2.5/3) done, then yeah, I'm close. :p
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  2. Goat

    Goat Forum Enthusiast

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I'll go for the 2.5/3 :rotf:, and i took long too.
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  3. Qurp

    Qurp Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 20, 2015
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    How do you scan the bar code? I don't have a phone.
  4. Goat

    Goat Forum Enthusiast

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Download 'Google Authenticator' and then fill it in manually.
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  5. dsfadfasdfsa

    dsfadfasdfsa Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 19, 2016
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    It's not pathetic, but it is unfair. However, the world is rarely fair. Plus this gives users a reason to be active on the forums, I guess?
    How is this an advantage, lol?
    Uh, why? Like I said earlier, it gives something to be active for.
    Replace "losing respect for you" with "losing respect with almost every staff member" and you got my vote. Pile is becoming the only staff, besides Kyleep and a few others, that I can actually stand being part of this community because they're actually doing something.
    That's kinda how Collin did it. He never once asked for the community's opinion because group mentality is not usually a good thing. The only person to ever ask what the community wanted was @Kyleep, and that was about an Obsidian breaker plugin.
  6. Ollie

    Ollie retired moderator

    Nov 1, 2013
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    You should be thankful Pile has come along to help Tyler run the forums/server. The forums, in my opinion is now is 100x better than it was before; things are getting done and new things are being added which you should appreciate because none of this would've happened if Collin still run the server. Pile spends a lot of her own time doing these things for the community which she doesn't have to do, but she does. As for the having to have a certain amount of trophy points for the ability to have a cover photo on your profile, it gives users the opportunity to be active and earn that special ability. There is actually a thread (www.minetime.com/threads/33809/) open for your suggestions on features to be added, although we're not going to please everyone with new editions, so you're just going to have to deal with it.
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  7. Goat

    Goat Forum Enthusiast

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Preach :thumbsup: (I agree with you 100%)
  8. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    One point short? LOL I FEEL YOUR PAIN
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Pile


    May 22, 2016
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    Where is the super hot fire rating when you need it?!
    Seriously tho, thank you. I am glad to help.

    To those of you unhappy with the changes I apologize. I knew going in to this that I wouldn't be able to please everyone. So many of you here don't know me, but it actually breaks my heart not to please each and every one of you. I live to serve. It's what I've always loved and it's why I am here.
    As Ollie mentioned I have made a thread asking for suggestions. if there are things you would like to see changed or things added feel free to list them there. The names for ranks and trophies were agreed upon by Tyler and and I, but if the community hates them I can change them up within reason and to the best of my ability. I will not be removing trophies tho or changing the requirements for Covers. The whole idea was to make things fun and give users something to reach for. They are attainable if you are actively involved here. The goals are not set out of reach.
    It's been my intention and I've stated it several times that I would like to keep this server true to Minetime and not make it "another mineverse" which is exactly why I asked the community before adding the features. I know that some of the trophies are similar but honestly there is only so many ways to describe some of them.

    Thanks again guys.
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  10. Ollie

    Ollie retired moderator

    Nov 1, 2013
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    Make one ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    You may be losing respect for her every day, but I have completely lost any tiny last bit of respect I had for you. How dare you criticise Pile and all her hard work she's done for the server. All she's doing is making the forums a better, and more fun, place for everyone to enjoy.

    P.S. acting like a stuck up brat won't get you anywhere in the long run either.
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  12. Logic

    Logic Expert Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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  13. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Add one lol
  14. Fantasy

    Fantasy Expert Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    It seems that no one actually fully tends to understand, or even properly read, what I say.
    Please take the time to read my replies fully and thoroughly before you type a response. If there is anything you need clarification with, be sure to ask.

    For those who don't understand;
    I am allowed to have an opinion, so are you. I am allowed to have likes and dislikes, and I am allowed to treat people with respect if I want to.
    I respect Pile and the work she has done for our server, and I do agree that she is making the forums a 'better, more fun' place. She is an active, highly intelligent staff member for the minetime community and I would not want to see her leave anytime soon, but that doesn't mean I have to praise her and agree with every single thing she says or does, which in this case, I don't.

    This is minecraft, not the world. Like both @Jawed and I have mentioned before on another post, Pile could have pleased a lot more people if she didn't add trophy points or the requirement of 85 trophy points to get a cover photo.
    I know many people were excited for the addition of cover photos for profile customisation, but that has been taken away from them because they do not meet the requirements.
    I believe having 85 trophy points to get a cover is an advantage for some. People like me, for example, who have dedicated a lot of time to this server have more than enough points to get a cover, but what about all of the new members, or people that have high respect for this server but do not get it? I believe everyone should have the opportunity to customise their profiles.
    So, people have to visit the forums every single day, and basically be a no lifer, as well as a forum spammer to get trophy awards like 'Wow, 5000 posts!' to get a cover on their profile? No comment. I know you don't need just that award, but you know what I mean.
    Collin asked for our opinion countless times, for example, the prison reset. I believe he liked his forums to be unique, and not like any other minecraft forum, which is what this forum has become. If you try to deny that, then please tell me, what do other minecraft forums have that we don't have already?

    I am grateful that someone is actually taking action on these forums and trying to make it a better place. I do believe the forums have become better place than it was one or two years ago, and I never said I didn't. I simply proclaimed that I do not like how not everyone gets access to cover photos, because I believe all players on minetime should all have a fair opportunity.
    I know Pile can't please everyone, and I never said she had to. I said she could have pleased a lot more people by removing these requirements and making cover photos accessible to everyone.

    If it breaks your heart to not please everyone, then why did you say this?
    Screen Shot 2016-09-20 at 8.42.55 am.png
    As I said above, I know you can't please everyone, so stop telling me the same thing over and over again.
    On that thread, many people agreed to the addition of profile covers, but you never stated that there would be specific requirements (in this case, 85 trophy points). If you had said that, many people would probably disagree because of the unfair advantage.

    I know adding the requirements such as 85 trophy points gives something for the players to obtain or aim for, and I know it gives people a reason to be more active on the forums, but despite this, many people have missed out (and will stay that way) because of it.

    Yeah, that has been a bit obvious for a while now, Kyle.
    'How dare you' so, you're saying I am not allowed to disagree, I have to suck it up and keep my thoughts to myself? Sorry that I am standing up for people in the community like my friends Jawed and Lohren, for example. I'm sure many people think the same, and it isn't only us who think this way.
    I'm not going to praise everything Pile does if I don't agree with it.
    Sorry that my vocabulary is better than some, and I didn't chose to use words or sentences like 'omg this is so unfair xdddd ;-; every1 shud have access to cover photos! XD'. I simply voice my opinion on a matter, topic or subject, and I do it maturely rather than immaturely, which is probably why you think I am stuck up, as well as other reasons ^_^

    I am sorry to everyone if I have seemed rude, but I do not agree with the requirements needed to obtain a cover photo. I believe everyone is equal in terms of what they are allowed to have on their profile pages, and minetime forums shouldn't be turned into a competition. I know you are going to keep them, but I still have the right to voice my opinion on this subject, because this is the internet, which is a place where we are allowed to have opinions, likes and dislikes. (And oh, don't say 'it's not a competition,' because in the future it will most likely cause unnecessary drama because people seem to love starting it.)

    Thanks, and have a good one.
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  15. dsfadfasdfsa

    dsfadfasdfsa Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 19, 2016
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    It was not taken away, they never had it in the first place. She added it, but as something to make people work for.
    The only advantage is that you've had your account for a long time. You've been active. That's not an advantage, that's just you being on here and getting a small reward for it.
    He may have asked, but he rarely accepted or used it. Which made it nearly stupid to try and interact with him.
    I agree there.
    Shut up before you're the next @Logo.
  16. Greehn

    Greehn Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 11, 2016
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    tl;dr, i have school work to do
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    That's cool. However, it doesn't mean that you should lose all respect for her because of 1 feature of the forums she has decided upon.
    You could of just said this rather than criticising everything Pile has done, no? lol
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  18. botdf

    botdf Forum Enthusiast

    Nov 15, 2013
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    Dunno what all of the arguing is about, but I love the cover photos :p it was a good idea
  19. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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  20. STradomzzz

    STradomzzz Expert Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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