Comments on Profile Post by Flossie

  1. Fantasy
    I'd like it if it wasn't such low quality and there wasn't actually white around it lol
    Sep 22, 2016
    STradomzzz, Sexy and Flossie like this.
  2. Flossie
    Sep 22, 2016
  3. Pile
    Been working on the transparent background. Thought maybe it was a cashing issue, but the new image also had a white background. I'll work on it some more today.
    Sep 22, 2016
    Callmematthew and Flossie like this.
  4. Fantasy
    Could you also possibly make it *slightly* larger? The fire is smaller compared to other ratings and it is very noticeable lol
    Sep 22, 2016
  5. Flossie
    Thanks for the info @Pile . And maybe it could be a tiny bit bigger, as @Fantasy said :)
    Sep 22, 2016
  6. Pile
    16x16 is the standard size. I will look in to it.
    Sep 22, 2016
    Callmematthew and Flossie like this.
  7. Flossie
    Kk thanks :3
    Sep 22, 2016