Comments on Profile Post by Flossie

  1. Kevin
    Just remember that last time helper applications were out it took 2 months for everyone to be promoted. With a new system it may be quicker but please give it a few days. :)
    Aug 24, 2016
    Flossie likes this.
  2. Flossie
    Okay, not trying to rush
    Aug 24, 2016
  3. Kyleep
    Moderators and Admins will help decide on some new helpers. As Kevin said, give it a few days for people to apply and for us to look through the applications. An announcement / some post will be made regarding the new helpers in the near future.
    Aug 24, 2016
    Flossie likes this.
  4. Flossie
    Okay, Thanks for the information!
    Aug 24, 2016