Comments on Profile Post by cancer_chan

  1. Kevin
    You're attacking a user. That is against our policies.
    Aug 20, 2016
  2. cancer_chan
    How am I attacking him? I'm just posting what he said. Never in that thread did I say "go hate on this churchie person" or imply it. It was in the right section and it couldn't possibly cause outrageous drama if it was truth.
    Aug 20, 2016
  3. cancer_chan
    And if you're going to go by that logic, why not delete my profile post aswell? "guys i caught mewtwo in pokemon go and harambe is stupid and filthy frank is love and live and xD cringe ParkourSlayer"
    Aug 20, 2016
  4. Kevin
    The thread was mostly unnecessary and worded to provoke and intimidate Churchie. Tyler also made a statement a few weeks ago that anyone who continues to harass Churchie will be punished severely.
    Aug 20, 2016
  5. Jawed
    so in short lying is allowed but making threads to expose liars isn't? didn't see the thread but that's what it sounded like he was making.
    Aug 20, 2016
  6. Kevin
    This is not exposing. It's harassment.
    Aug 20, 2016
  7. Jawed
    like I've said didn't see the thread.
    Aug 20, 2016
  8. cancer_chan
    harassment? all i did was post what he said.
    Aug 20, 2016