Comments on Profile Post by Tyler

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  2. TheLastStraw
    He won't, he'll just need to report it to the police. Remember the features etc. This is minor compared to the mass shooting. It's the mass shooting that I'm referring to. Have you read the news? Kids going out into the streets using guns stolen from their parents. If the gun law was implemented, would they still have the opportunity to get them? That's a question for you to ponder about.
    Jun 13, 2016
  3. Disgusting
    Yeah but, what if it WAS something bigger? That was just an example, what if he is held hostage laying on the floor at gun-point, with about, 20 other citizens, he could get up and shoot the man (if he has good reflexes or something idk :P), BUT he doesn't have his gun because it was taken away, there is a risk he could get shot in someone doesn't obey, reply or whatever.
    Jun 13, 2016
  4. Disgusting
    And if you mean to stop Mass-shooting, they're still criminals or something, they will probably still have a gun no matter what.
    Jun 13, 2016
  5. TheLastStraw
    Exactly, so that's what they're debating about. As you can see, it's two-sided. Both has its pros and cons. It's been the 174rd mass shooting this year in America alone. Guns, after all, are double-edged swords.
    Jun 13, 2016
  6. Disgusting
    Well then, short meaning with me, Keep gun laws, people need them, :P.
    Jun 13, 2016
  7. TheLastStraw
  8. Disgusting
    Jun 13, 2016
  9. TheLastStraw
    Australia's the evidence.
    Jun 13, 2016
  10. Disgusting
    Evidence for taking away gun laws?
    Jun 13, 2016
  11. Disgusting
    A good citizen can take down a bad citizen with a gun, even if that bad citizen has another gun, but if we take away guns, the bad citizen will still be roaming and free at that time to do ANOTHER mass-shooting, the good citizen could've stopped, if there were no gun laws.
    Jun 13, 2016
  12. TheLastStraw
    You're making alot of assumptions.
    Jun 13, 2016
  13. Disgusting
    They're examples.
    Jun 13, 2016
  14. Blueberries
    but if no one had guns there would be no mass shootings in the first place
    Jun 16, 2016
  15. Disgusting
    No, they're criminals, they don't care, they will still have guns, buy them illegally, doesn't matter, people with intention to kill, will kill, if you remove gun laws, the good citizens won't have anything to protect them from criminals, a good guy with a gun, can take down a bad guy with a gun.
    Jun 16, 2016
  16. Angel
    canada has had 8 mass shootings in 20 years, and the USA has had 7 since last monday. gun laws.
    Jun 16, 2016
    Blueberries likes this.
  17. TheLastStraw
    Japanese, they are examples which were made up by a weeabo. You'll most probably end up sprawled in your own pool of blood after defending against the gunman. Kids rampaging the streets because they used their parent's guns which was meant to keep them safe and you want to keep guns?
    Jun 17, 2016
    Angel likes this.
  18. Disgusting
    I won't be carrying a gun, I am only 14, my mama or papa will have the gun, The gunman, could be taken down with a good guy with a gun, There are heroes in the world who do take down these kinds of people, my "examples" have happened in America many, many times, and taking away guns would be hard, almost everyone in America has a gun,
    Jun 17, 2016
  19. Disgusting
    People are not caring HOW to stop the Mass-shootings, every time it's just take away more guns. Take the Christina Grimmie case, he carried 2 pistols and a Knife, even if guns were taken, he still would of killed her, that will still happen, murderers will kill, people with intention to harm, will harm, it's not taking away the guns, it's how to stop the Mass-shootings itself.
    Jun 17, 2016
  20. Blueberries
    the number of people killed by stabbing is much much less than the number of people killed by shootings
    Jun 17, 2016
    TheLastStraw likes this.
  21. Disgusting
    Still, will the other stuff I said, there is nothing of that fact about how to stop these mass-shootings, or make it harder to get guns, for what we know the mass-shootings may increase, I don't think you should take away gun control, just try to stop these mass-shootings and make it harder to get guns. End.
    Jun 17, 2016
  22. TheLastStraw
    You will be surprised that certain 14 year olds have already began their killing spree with (drumroll) guns!
    Gun ban anyone?
    Anyway I guess we'll be seeing Japanese protecting people with a gun.
    And as blueberry said, Guns can kill people faster than choppers.
    Jun 17, 2016
    Blueberries likes this.
  23. Blueberries
    Lol you tagged the wrong person
    Jun 17, 2016
  24. Disgusting
    Yeah, it should be harder to get guns, if they made it harder, then 15 year olds won't have guns to kill people, Murderers don't care about how fast you can kill people, no one else really cares either, And there are people who will protect, not everyone is bad, people do protect.
    Jun 17, 2016
  25. Blueberries
    Except it does matter to them. Killing someone with a knife is much slower than killing them with a gun. Murderers wouldn't be satisfied with just a few people, they want to kill as many people as possible before the police arrive.
    Jun 17, 2016
  26. Blueberries
    We people are not as grand as you think. No one carries guns around with them with the chance that they may be able to stop someone. That doesn't happen. People do not protect, and it's time we enforced some gun laws that are actually effective.
    Jun 17, 2016
  27. Disgusting
    People should enforce gun laws, but not fully take them away, people do carry guns to protect if anything bad happens, just with a few incidents of shootings were people didn't have guns to protect themselves, doesn't mean nobody has them, There should be gun laws, but just not fully take them away from everyone, we still need them.
    Jun 17, 2016
  28. Blueberries
    If no one has guns, there are no shootings. We don't guns. You do not depend on them heavily in your life.
    No guns = no harm
    If there were no guns, no one has to run around supposedly being the good guy with guns and saving everyone. Besides, even though you say people carry around guns to protect themselves and others from mass shootings, that's something out of a book. Doesn't actually happen. Get real.
    Jun 17, 2016
  29. Disgusting
    Even single time there's a mass-shooting, it's just "take away guns" "more guns", there is NOTHING about how to stop them, To stop people from Mass-shooters, about everyone In America has a gun, if you don't think that do research, they would need to take away all those guns, and mass-shooters would still have the guns, they can't take away EVERY single gun, and good citizens will turn them I or whatever I don't know
    Jun 17, 2016
  30. Disgusting
    There would probably be more mass-shootings, and muggers, robbers, murderers would increase, because no guns, no protections, no risk of being shot by a citizen, that is why there are gun laws.
    Jun 17, 2016
  31. Disgusting
    And bad guys don't care if they break a single law of having a gun, and it is blatantly obvious that other illegal activity will increase, there would be more crimes the there would've been if they ever take away guns.
    Jun 17, 2016
  32. Blueberries
    Australia did it. The crime went down by a lot. And don't say taking away guns is a bad idea, because it's not. Like I've stated before, since you seem to be IGNORING THIS SPECIFIC POINT, there are no instances when people are carrying around guns to protect themselves. That could happen in some other world, but the idea that that would happen is RIDICULOUS. SO DROP IT.
    Jun 18, 2016
  33. Blueberries
    LIKE I SAY IN EVERY SINGLE DANG POST, people don't carry around guns to protect themselves nowadays. Also, what evidence do you have that the crime rate will rise? NONE. If you do, speak up. You say it's "blatantly obvious" but it really isn't. Crime rates won't rise if guns are taken away. That's RIDICULOUS.
    Jun 18, 2016
  34. Blueberries
    Sorry I'm just kind of mad that I can't get into your thick skull how dumb your arguments are.
    Jun 18, 2016
  35. Disgusting
    No protection, no risks of you getting shot, crime rate will raise, if you did research it IS obvious, in THIS world, there are people who have/carry guns, once again, do research, it is blatantly obvious that crime rate will raise, because of what I said, there is no risk of the citizen having a gun, because it would be illegal, so other crime will be increased, it is blatantly OBVIOUS
    Jun 18, 2016
  36. Disgusting
    It would be a bad decision to take away gun control, and they would not even be able to do it as of almost everyone has a gun here, I am done here.
    Jun 18, 2016
  37. Disgusting
    You need to get that through your thick skull if it is not obvious enough that it is a bad decision.
    Jun 18, 2016
  38. Blueberries
    Jun 18, 2016
  39. Blueberries
    I don't understand why you don't get it. there have been more mass shootings in the US than there have been days. Do you not think this is a problem? Are you 5? And you're telling me " Keep gun laws, people need them, :P." So we're going to keep the gun laws, even though we've had so many shootings? Are you oblivious to the outside world? If you don't change any laws, no outcomes will change.
    Jun 18, 2016
  40. TheLastStraw
    Lol Japanese why so salty. I'll see you protecting us on the streets. Thanks fam.
    Jun 18, 2016
    Blueberries likes this.
  41. Disgusting
    Okay, this is retarded, fighting over gun laws on a Minecraft forums, that's immature, I am done on this argument, it's idiotic, it will end up how it is, And I am done here.
    Jun 18, 2016
  42. Disgusting
    This is useless and wasting our time, let's just stop, we have our opinions.
    Jun 18, 2016
  43. TheLastStraw
    You're calling this retarded on an administrator's profile? That's really intelligent and immature. Proud of you fam.
    Jun 18, 2016
    Blueberries and Cyrious like this.
  44. Blueberries
    Calling them retarded is an insult to the people's lives that were lost in shootings. :/
    Jun 18, 2016
  45. Disgusting
    It's retarded, fighting over it on a Minecraft forums, I never said that to everyone that died, the argument, on a Minecraft forums, is retarded, it's stupid to go on, because it's a Minecraft forums, Not the people who died, never said anything to them, the argument is retarded, that has nothing to do with those people that died,
    Jun 18, 2016
  46. Disgusting
    The arguement has been on for like 4 days or so, it's stupid, nothing is going to change if it's only on here.
    Jun 18, 2016
  47. TheLastStraw
    Lol, look who's talking, most of the arguments are from you. Calling this retarded again I see?
    Jun 18, 2016
  48. Blueberries
    It's not a retarded argument. Please stop saying retarded. Retarded is a word used to describe people with mental disabilities, and using that word is an insult to them. Stop being so insensitive.
    Jun 18, 2016
  49. Disgusting
    It's not to someone with mental disabilities if it's towards an argument, I never said the argument and the reason for the argument is stupid, I am saying it is stupid when it's on a Minecraft forums. And it is, arguing on a Minecraft forums.
    Jun 18, 2016
  50. Blueberries
    It would be stupid if we were arguing about something stupid. But this argument is a real issue. Besides, I don't see any problem with arguing about it on a minecraft forum. I know there should be an obvious reason why it's stupid, but the more I think about it, there's nothing really stupid about it.
    Jun 18, 2016
  51. TheLastStraw
    Japanese aren't you the one who wanted to end this argument? Why are you still typing? Lol
    Jun 18, 2016
    Blueberries likes this.