Comments on Profile Post by Sir-Teabag

  1. Tyler
    PIA? No. You are probably better off just buying it for yourself rather than trying to get a cracked version, or if you don't want to buy it, you could try get someone else to give you access to their account. I believe premium PIA accounts allow 5 users to use the VPN at a time.
    May 29, 2016
  2. Sir-Teabag

    Know anyone that's willing to gimme access to their account? xD
    How much is it for premium? I can't even get onto the site right now... ._.
    May 29, 2016
  3. Tyler
  4. Sir-Teabag
    eh, kind of a rip-off. I only really need to use it like... once.
    May 30, 2016