Comments on Profile Post by DaWafflez

  1. DaWafflez
    I ran out of room to finish typing but will i get it back because you can ask a lot of people there that used it because they needed food and i told them to go to /warp waffle and go to the cow spawner. If i knew that i needed proof of the cow spawner i wouldn't have had deleted a screenshot i was going to use as my computer wallpaper.
    Apr 29, 2016
  2. DaWafflez
    People are complaining about free xp and food and what happened to my cow spawner and i told them that i broke the cow spawner thinking that it would still give me the spawner since i was using silk touch but sadly it didn't
    Apr 29, 2016
  3. Kevin
    Well, if I was an administrator I'd spawn in one for you but sadly I can't. Instead I recommend you email [email protected] and he may be able to help you out. :)
    Apr 29, 2016
    Ellie4159 likes this.
  4. DaWafflez
    What do i tell him because i typed a lot.
    Apr 29, 2016
  5. Kevin
    As an example..


    A few weeks ago I accidentally broke a cow spawner on survival without knowledge of silk-touch being disabled. If it isn't any trouble, may I.."

    (Just put it in your own words and finish it)
    Apr 29, 2016
    Ellie4159 likes this.
  6. DaWafflez
    Ok, i sent an email to tyler and thanks for the helper. :D
    Apr 29, 2016
  7. Kevin
    Anytime. :)
    Apr 29, 2016
    Ellie4159 likes this.
  8. DaWafflez
    It could possibly take days for tyler to respond to my email right?
    Apr 30, 2016
  9. DaWafflez
    Also, what does Jess do since tyler is like the System Administrator? Forgot to mention i also might apply for like Helper when the applications are open. Is it a hard application?
    I'm just curious C:
    Apr 30, 2016
  10. Kevin
    Jess has been inactive recently because of school but he usually just does what other staff do, moderate the server and fix general issues.
    Apr 30, 2016
    Ellie4159 likes this.
  11. DaWafflez
    Ok, I was just curious because i don't ever see anything about him.
    Apr 30, 2016