Comments on Profile Post by Masterenderwolf

  1. Darrenthe1
    and what is the jackpot?
    Apr 1, 2016
  2. Masterenderwolf
    The Jackpot was a obsidian base. I've been after tons of obsidian for a while and now this base is my solution it was in fact raided but the people who raided it only destroyed a few inside bits of the base and looted most of the potions drinkable and splash potions. Though when I had a look through I found tons of chests with great stuff in them I even still found potions.
    Apr 1, 2016
  3. Masterenderwolf
    Clearly whoever raided it didn't do a good job. I'll be clearing this fine base out in the following days by taking all the valuables and taking most of the obsidian to apply to my own base. The obsidian in this raided base goes all the way to bedrock and is quite a fine base pity that it got raided.
    Apr 1, 2016
    Sir-Teabag likes this.
  4. Darrenthe1
    Oohh that's awesome for you:)
    Apr 1, 2016
  5. Masterenderwolf
    Yea I guess :)
    Apr 1, 2016