Comments on Profile Post by DaWafflez

  1. Sir-Teabag
    Mar 20, 2016
  2. DaWafflez
    LOL ok
    Mar 20, 2016
    Sir-Teabag likes this.
  3. DaWafflez
    I'm so new to the forums and reporting system and i hope i can get this report done the right way.
    Mar 20, 2016
  4. Sir-Teabag
    I have a reporting program that AgentScreem and Chrisdog have been helping me with if you wanna give that a go.
    It kinda simplifies the whole process or reporting the player...

    pm me if you want it.
    Mar 20, 2016
  5. DaWafflez
    Well i actually think i did it right this time. Go check it out at player reports.
    Mar 20, 2016
  6. Sir-Teabag
    You did. :)
    Mar 20, 2016
  7. DaWafflez
    Mar 20, 2016