Comments on Profile Post by xvxd91dxx

  1. Masterenderwolf
    Indeed @SideEffect_ personally it's one of the best war movies I've seen in a while. Whenever I watch it it makes me think what those times would of been like and it even makes you feel like your their taking part in the epic Journey of Fury in Germany from the beginning at the camp till the very end when Fury had finally meant it's end at the crossroads against the 300 Waffen SS soldiers.
    Mar 13, 2016
    Andrew_ likes this.
  2. DaWafflez
    What movie? Whats it called?
    Mar 15, 2016
    Andrew_ likes this.
  3. Masterenderwolf
    Mar 15, 2016
    Andrew_ likes this.
  4. DaWafflez
    oh i saw that while it was in the movies ;p
    Mar 15, 2016