Comments on Profile Post by Andrew_

  1. Daniel
    Feb 21, 2016
  2. Andrew_
    Do you think @Cooke was also his alt?
    Feb 21, 2016
  3. Tenk
    Feb 21, 2016
  4. Masterenderwolf
    @rdculbertson Yes I still follow them. I'm in the process of trying to get the account @Cooke unbanned when I get some spare time :)
    Also @ido_pieguy @Oil was technically my friend's account but I tended to use it more often then him also yes @TankTheKiller is right lol @Cooke is my gf's forums account but she doesn't really use the forums anyway lol oh well :P
    Feb 21, 2016
    Sir-Teabag likes this.