Comments on Profile Post by Andrew_

  1. Masterenderwolf
    Jan 28, 2016
  2. Salty_Pretzel
    Jan 28, 2016
  3. Andrew_
    Feb 1, 2016
  4. Masterenderwolf
    @rdculbertson whyyyyy ;-; it was my gf's forums account I helped her make it I even have proof that it's hers :(
    Feb 1, 2016
  5. Andrew_
    Aww that's sad. I feel bad for you :(
    Feb 1, 2016
  6. Masterenderwolf
    Yea :(
    Thanks @rdculbertson.
    I'll P.M a staff member tonight and show them evidence that it's actually her account. I think staff might have thought it was like a alt account of mine when it wasn't..
    @Oil though was my friend carlo's account but since I used it twice it was presumed to be a alt of mine when really I just made the account for him ;-;
    Feb 1, 2016
  7. Andrew_
    Feb 1, 2016
  8. Masterenderwolf
    Yea true @rdculbertson XD she's a good friend of mine but unlike @Cooke or @Oil I didn't help make the account which is why it still exists. @PatienceIsKey_ made her own account without any help where else @Cooke and @Oil I helped them make their accounts :)
    Feb 1, 2016
  9. Andrew_
    When @Oil tries to log in... what does it say?
    Feb 1, 2016
  10. Andrew_
    Does it say he is banned for being an alt account of you?
    Feb 1, 2016