Comments on Profile Post by Sir-Teabag

  1. Tyler
    Haha, I have already slept for a good 8 hours. I try to get up as early as possible to provide the fastest response time for all of your support requests, and it just feels good to be up early. =)
    Jan 12, 2016
  2. Sir-Teabag
    Jan 12, 2016
  3. Tyler
    I try to aim for between 3 and 4.
    Jan 12, 2016
  4. Sir-Teabag
    What do you do through the rest of the day?
    Jan 12, 2016
  5. Tyler
    I usually get up, check the forums, server and my email. Once all that is done, I usually try and go to the gym. After the gym, depending on the day, I do school work. Then at this time it is about lunch time, so I eat. Once I am done eating, I check on the server, forums and my email once again. Now the rest of the day differs.
    Jan 12, 2016
  6. Tyler
    Sometimes I could be working on a server reset, a server, goofing off on the server, playing other games, going out, etc. Now it is about dinner time, so I eat. After dinner is really when I just do whatever I want. I never really work around this time.
    Jan 12, 2016
  7. Sir-Teabag
    What type of school work?
    Jan 13, 2016
  8. Tyler
    College. I am taking Economics, Statistics, Maths and English. I plan to start taking a web development course soon.
    Jan 13, 2016
  9. Sir-Teabag
    Lucky you.
    Heaps of people are looking for web developers these days.
    It's strange. :/

    Good luck.
    Jan 13, 2016
  10. Bunni
    "It's lunch time, so I eat"
    Ya don say? Lol
    Jan 14, 2016
    Black_Lightning likes this.
  11. Logo
    @Tyler are you the guy from that bachelor show? Also, how much you bench?
    Jan 16, 2016