Comments on Profile Post by QueenofAmazing

  1. Gineley
    I wondered something was wrong. I'm like what's queen doing on at this time of the day? please explain.
    Feb 25, 2014
  2. Diamond2033
    I've gotten suspended 3 times, you get use to it
    Feb 25, 2014
  3. Gineley
    I'm a good boy :3 Only ONE indoor suspension for 4 days, as the offense was not too huge. I got into a fight with some kid but instead of punching him back, i put him in a choke hold and waited for staff to come. I'm quite a fighter and if i had engaged in combat, I would have gotten expelled or he would have gone to the hospital.
    Feb 25, 2014
  4. Diamond2033
    I get in trouble too much at school, I should've gotten expelled ages ago x3
    Feb 25, 2014
  5. Gineley
    One time my teacher yelled at me because i was supposedly
    "Bullying" some girl when we were actually talking about lisps and our teacher though i was making fun of HER lisp and she yelled at me, 3 seconds in, I started crying, yes CRYING. I'm soft and mushy inside :D Like a roasted
    marshmallow. Yummiest comparison EVAR.
    Feb 25, 2014
  6. Diamond2033
    o.o Crying..
    Feb 25, 2014
  7. Gineley
    Not like WAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAA but like quiet crying with tons of sniffling. I was SO embarassed. But i guess my whole class made a pact to make that a taboo subject so they were cool about it. Good thing it didn't get outside that class, if not, the normal amount of bullying i get would have been a x20 at the time.
    Feb 25, 2014
  8. GameWorld426
    Wow lol
    Feb 25, 2014
  9. Yoowy
    One time at lunch I tapped a kid in the head with a soda bottle. He started freaking out and crying and I ended up getting 2 after-school detentions and one saturday school. I also got a referral for slapping a kid once. I <3 MY SCHOOL! :D
    Feb 26, 2014
  10. Diamond2033
    x3 I got into trouble today for starting a food fight >:D
    Feb 26, 2014
  11. Yoowy
    I got yelled at for taking my friends food...when...she didn't even care...yet the guidance counselor took it seriously. MY SCHOOL IS SO GHETTO THAT WE HAVE A POLICE OFFICER ALWAYS AT OUR SCHOOL!
    Feb 26, 2014
  12. Diamond2033
    OMG x3 My school is apparently "catholic" but sorry for my language but the principal is a money ***** (sowwy for this language)
    Feb 26, 2014
  13. Yoowy
    My principe is a midget. Even most 6th graders are taller than her.
    Feb 26, 2014
  14. Diamond2033
    My principal is too x3
    Feb 27, 2014