Comments on Profile Post by Kappa

  1. Jess
    Alright, I looked into it further. The only posts he rated were the ones on that one thread. If anyone starts going back and rating random posts or unrelated material it'd be different, but as is, even though there were 13 ratings, I wouldn't say it is fully spam.
    Nov 11, 2015
  2. Jess
    For instance, if you (or someone else) rated all my posts about that issue disagree, I wouldn't really consider that spam either. I wouldn't be very happy about it, but I wouldn't call it spam.
    Nov 11, 2015
  3. Jess
    Character limits on profile posts.
    Nov 11, 2015
  4. Kappa
    Sorry I've been such a jerk though anyways.
    Nov 11, 2015
  5. Jess
    Don't worry about it, just try to change that for the future and help show people that you can get farther by being polite, respectful and honest. :)
    Nov 11, 2015
  6. Jess
    Also, I'm sorry about how what I've said may have made you feel. I do want you to know that it is nothing personal. We get a lot of bad behavior here and I am trying to call people out on it in hopes that others will realize and effect real change in their overall attitude. I hope you understand.
    Nov 11, 2015
  7. Kappa
    I do
    Nov 13, 2015