Comments on Profile Post by TCP_Disabled

  1. Tyler
    As far as I know, that's all it does.
    Jun 22, 2015
  2. TCP_Disabled
    What's the point of the follow button than?
    Jun 22, 2015
  3. ReBull
    I would've thought it would tell you when the person you follow posts something but then you will get spammed with alerts when you can just check their recent activity.
    Jun 22, 2015
  4. TCP_Disabled
    Same here, it's basically useless.
    Jun 22, 2015
  5. RaGe_QuItSz
    It's more of a friend's list than anything else. You can choose to whom you follow, and they can choose to follow you back in return if they wish. If we were to receive alerts for everytime someone we followed posted something, many users would have an unmanageable number of alerts. Just something to keep in mind.
    Jun 22, 2015