Comments on Profile Post by Sheldon

  1. Sheldon
    My league is a non-checking league, and the officials didn't call anything from the other team.
    Apr 12, 2015
  2. ReBull
    I had a 6foot hugely dench black guy smash his hockey stick into my knee-cap once as he tried to hit the ball. Everyone thought he had hit the ball but no it was my kneecap. No idea how it didn't shatter but man. I guess the only reason I wasn't winging was because the shock numbed most of the pain. My paedophilic coach didn't even stop the game -.- and my best fwiend was the only one who actually saw
    Apr 12, 2015
  3. ReBull
    it and was bragging like the kardashians.
    true story
    Apr 12, 2015
  4. Sheldon
    Ah field hockey. I play the slippery stuff (ice hockey).
    Apr 12, 2015
  5. Sheldon
    I was literally about to start a fight. Some guy was yanking the back of my shorts down with his stick.
    Apr 12, 2015
  6. ReBull
    Wow. I've seen loads of ice hockey fights. Is it really that brutal or is it scripted?
    Apr 12, 2015
  7. Sheldon
    NHL fights are real. Players get really frustrated and angry when the ref or linesmen make bad/the wrong calls.
    Apr 12, 2015