Comments on Profile Post by Sheldon

  1. Megan
    Thanks! How have you been?
    Mar 28, 2015
  2. Sheldon
    Pretty good thanks. How about you, apart from braking laptops?
    Mar 28, 2015
  3. Megan
    Glad to hear! I've been well, life has been busy though! It's nice to have a laptop that isn't held together by duck tape:)
    Mar 28, 2015
  4. Sheldon
    Life sucks at not being busy. Well, it was a good effort to keep your old one as long as you did if it was held together by duct tape :P What did you get for your new one?
    Mar 28, 2015
  5. Megan
    Haha, yeah. Duck tape extended it's life about a month or two!:p I ended up getting a Mac which I'm loving so far. Are you a PC or Mac person?
    Mar 28, 2015
  6. Sheldon
    Haha my personal laptop may need some duct taping soon. I like macs for laptops and PCs for desktops, but I have a Dell laptop that I use for work and personal stuff, so I can't really complain.
    Mar 29, 2015
  7. Megan
    Duck tape works like a charm, for a short while that is! I'd agree that I'd prefer a PC for a desktop, but Macbook's are better laptops.
    Mar 29, 2015
  8. Sheldon
    The only problem with Macbooks, or any Apple product for that matter, is the insanely inflated price tag. Other than that, I have no issues with them. I'd never buy a Mac for a desktop, purely because you can't easily take them apart and upgrade the it's parts.
    Mar 29, 2015
  9. Megan
    That's so true. It took me forever to save enough to buy one! I strongly dislike Windows 8 and I was ready to try a different operating system. I'm not a huge desktop person, so I don't know much on that matter.
    Mar 29, 2015
  10. Sheldon
    I've never tried Windows 8 (lucky me), however I run Windows 8.1 on my desktop. It's not a huge change to Win 7 but the only huge downfall is the fact it doesn't have a proper "Start" menu. I'm getting into the whole upgrading desktop hardware because I'm a pretty big gamer. Most I've spent on it so far is a little under $100 for 120GB solid state drive.
    Mar 29, 2015
  11. Megan
    I just cannot stand the layout. I liked Windows 7. Windows Vista was just annoyingD: That sounds like fun, 100 for 120GB is a pretty sweet deal!
    Mar 29, 2015
  12. Sheldon
    I never even touched Vista. I heard it was really bad so I didn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Kinda excited for Windows 10 though, mainly because I get the first year free. It was a bit of a downgrade, space wise, considering I had a 1TB hard drive, but the boot time and overall speed of it is well worth the sacrifice. I mean 6 seconds for it to fully boot and be usable? Yes please!
    Mar 29, 2015