Comments on Profile Post by azarulz

  1. Tyler
    I'm not sure if he plays anymore.
    Mar 16, 2015
  2. azarulz
    do you happen to know what his new account is called though?
    Mar 16, 2015
  3. azarulz
    him and his brother speedy123 forgot their passwords for the old accounts so made new ones, i made contact with him on one occasion on his new account but then left the server and cant remember what his name was :L
    Mar 16, 2015
  4. Tyler
    No idea.
    Mar 16, 2015
  5. azarulz
    alright all good :L thank you anyway man hope youve been alright haha its been ages since we played, i still remember you :P
    Mar 16, 2015