Comments on Profile Post by ReBull

  1. ReBull
    Alie called me immature for saying vajayjay, her profile picture is "Cookie Team" which is why I called her immature. She is "19" and she has "Cookie Team".
    Feb 14, 2015
  2. ADAMATOR1234
    So your saying that if you 19, or what ever age you think, you're not allowed to make or be apart of a group that contains the word cookie?
    Feb 14, 2015
  3. ReBull
    She is a full-grown adult and is in a group called "Cookie-Team". That screams immaturity.
    Feb 14, 2015
  4. ADAMATOR1234
    But like she said, it's certainly more mature that what you said.
    Feb 14, 2015
  5. ReBull
    Fanny is a rude word. You even agreed that with a Mod. There is a user called Fanny, rename the user Fanny to inappropriate Word too ok? Before you say "vajayjay" is a rude word and that's what you said, no, "vajayjay" is a nicer way of saying ******, *****, **** or "Fanny" and in this case as I have already said, there is a user called Fanny.
    Feb 14, 2015
  6. ADAMATOR1234
    You'll find their are multiple definitions of "Fanny", in this case you chose the body part.
    Feb 14, 2015
  7. ReBull
    The most well known one.
    Feb 14, 2015
  8. ADAMATOR1234
    To the UK, yes. Not in other countries. I've asked her where her forum name originated from. Let's just wait and see.
    Feb 14, 2015
  9. ADAMATOR1234
    So what do you know? It's actually a name. May not be common, but does it have to be to allow her into the community?
    Feb 15, 2015
  10. Popcorn84620
    Actually, in America that name is pretty common. Uk sure does have something messed up for that one word...
    Feb 15, 2015
  11. ADAMATOR1234
    Case settled *bangs hammer*
    Feb 16, 2015