Comments on Profile Post by macaranaman

  1. Sheldon
    Keep trying to login. You'll never be banned from Minetime without a ban reason.
    Feb 8, 2015
  2. macaranaman
    I was though.....
    Feb 8, 2015
  3. Sheldon
    Have you tried re-logging in multiple times? "The Ban Hammer Has Spoken!" will never be a reason you're banned for.
    Feb 8, 2015
  4. macaranaman
    I have. i've logged in 20-30 times in a row and every time thats the message.
    Feb 8, 2015
  5. Sheldon
    Ok, give me a second.
    Feb 8, 2015
  6. macaranaman
    I changed my name to googleplex don't know if that matters
    Feb 8, 2015
  7. Sheldon
    You're banned on neither hubs, meaning you're not banned on Minetime. It seems to be a glitch when logging into Minetime.
    Feb 8, 2015
  8. Sheldon
    It says "Player not found!" for googleplex, and for macaranaman it says you haven't logged into one hub for a month and the other for a year...
    Feb 8, 2015
  9. macaranaman
    Is there anything anyone can do? And is there any way I can get my 10$ from enhanced? I'd pay 5 and get exec...
    Feb 8, 2015
  10. macaranaman
    Unban this: 0e61f8b5-f83e-467f-95e9-97ba6fecc0fd
    I think my UUID is banned from the hub...
    Feb 8, 2015
  11. Sheldon
    You can't get any money back from a rank bought on Minetime. I also can't ban nor unban on the hubs, I can only see if you are banned.
    Feb 8, 2015
  12. macaranaman
    Thank you so much! I'll mail Collin and tell him about the glitch. Anything I can do?
    Feb 8, 2015
  13. Sheldon
    There's nothing other than hanging tight while we do our best to resolve this issue. Also, it's probably better to email Emily, as Collin is quiet busy with updating the servers and all that.
    Feb 8, 2015
  14. macaranaman
    Can you check what ips are banned?
    Feb 8, 2015
  15. Sheldon
    No, I can't check IPs that are banned, and we do not ban IPs.
    Feb 8, 2015