Comments on Profile Post by Amberr

  1. cheesepie134
    Its fine, In NYC last week we were supposed to get 3 feet but only got 9 inches.
    Feb 1, 2015
  2. Amberr
    Haha the news tell us lies
    Feb 1, 2015
  3. Daniel
    In Wisconsin, it's currently 7 inches and still coming down strong, AT ELEVENin the morning. It's supposed to last till 4 or 5 PM!!!
    Feb 1, 2015
  4. Amberr
    Ugh I wish I lived there I love snow.
    Feb 1, 2015
  5. Daniel
    Literally, three days ago, there was NO SNOW on the ground. This type of back-and-forth weather has been going on for about 2 months.
    Feb 1, 2015
  6. Amberr
    In December, people said we were going to have a huge snowstorm but we got nothing and there was no snow until mid January. But in the beginning of 2014 there was so much snow and it was really cold we got 1 extra week of Christmas Break.
    Feb 1, 2015
  7. Daniel
    Snow is awesome. I missed 8 days of school because of it last year.
    Feb 1, 2015
  8. Amberr
    I missed 7 :(
    Feb 1, 2015