Comments on Profile Post by Aliceqc

  1. GoodLuck
    You got almost 50 negative ratings in one day. I honestly don't think you could have that many grammatical errors.
    Jan 22, 2015
  2. Aliceqc
    Even if she does... To the point of rating every single one of her posts would be non-necessary... They are doing it to get on her nerves and make her feel bad.
    My advice: just ignore them. We ALL know your ratings are spammed and it's complete bs.
    Jan 22, 2015
  3. GoodLuck
    Jan 22, 2015
  4. Fanny@
    It's getting really bad I now have 147 bad rates and I get like idk how much each day.
    Jan 23, 2015
  5. Aliceqc
    These guys like to start stuff like that. It's to the point where they hacked an account, I think something should be made as quick as possible. Did anything happen between you and them?, for them to act like this?
    Jan 23, 2015
  6. robpee69
    Hacked an account, wot?
    Jan 23, 2015
  7. robpee69
    Side note- if you're refering to Stephfanieey, we own her account.
    Jan 23, 2015
  8. Aliceqc
    Cool beans. No one asked you here.
    Jan 23, 2015
  9. robpee69
    You just made an untrue allegation so I felt the need to defend myself.
    Jan 23, 2015
  10. Fanny@
    Alice I don't know how they became like this.
    Jan 24, 2015