Comments on Profile Post by Swiftwing9

  1. Swiftwing9
    OHREGLOD YOURS SO COOL YOUR A ZAMBIEH (lol I'm a zombie freak I watch walking dead High school of the dead which is a anime zombie apocalypse read the walking dead yep I'm a nerd)
    Oct 10, 2014
  2. PokecraftPhreak
    Oct 10, 2014
  3. Swiftwing9
    I'm a elf your a ZAMBIEH legs be friends
    Oct 10, 2014
  4. PokecraftPhreak
    It's a ghoul but sure ;3
    Oct 11, 2014
  5. Swiftwing9
    NUHAH my mother brother sister aunt uncle cousin dog wife pikachu told me you were a ZAMBIEH
    Oct 11, 2014