Comments on Profile Post by Richiecat62

  1. ADAMATOR1234
    :) it's great your still here! Im admin. Also can you hug me? I feel like I should die right now.
    Aug 16, 2014
  2. Richiecat62
    Nuuuu no dying. Did you hear plat was banned? *hugs*
    Aug 16, 2014
  3. ADAMATOR1234
    I was involved in the part where he was banned. *sigh* I did warn him, very much. WHY
    Aug 16, 2014
  4. Richiecat62
    Really? Can you explain what happened in full detail. *hugs* *pats on back* it will be okay.
    Aug 16, 2014
  5. ADAMATOR1234
    I don't really want to say. Infact, if It wasn't for me, this would never have happened.
    Aug 16, 2014
  6. Richiecat62
    Oh. I'm so sorry. No. Plat did what he did and that's how it stays. It was his fault, not yours.
    Aug 16, 2014
  7. StarfletcherBANNED
    Don't worry mate. Galactic can't be brought back anyway. But, Platinum can... If we try and get someone who has added him on skype to persuade him...
    Aug 18, 2014
  8. ADAMATOR1234
    I have him on skype.
    Aug 18, 2014
  9. StarfletcherBANNED
    Then, send him a message to try and persuade him. Explain that he can just /ignore mitchie_moo and I can get Game to invite him to Platinum.
    Aug 18, 2014
  10. Richiecat62
    I wanna join Platinum :( btw I have his skype, but he rarely goes on.
    Aug 18, 2014