Comments on Profile Post by JasJadies

  1. brudin
    Jun 7, 2014
  2. JasJadies
    jesus bless him and u. thank u for spreading awareness. poor duk.
    Jun 8, 2014
  3. DEXsta101
    Jas, you copied what I did xD

    Once I saw that video (before you did) I was showing all my friends :p
    Jun 10, 2014
  4. JasJadies
    That isn't copying because I had no idea whatsoever that you have seen that video, stop being so pretentious of your "achievement" .
    Anyways, what's so bad about copying you about some video? Is this the SAT'S? Nope. Will this affect you? n o p e. Now get on with your life.
    Jun 11, 2014
  5. DEXsta101
    Oh my god lol, I'm just saying that I did the exact same thing.
    Jun 11, 2014