Comments on Profile Post by Muri

  1. Kyleep
    I don't know, it's not worked for anyone apart from @LtSpearzZ, drtshock needs to get it fixed ASAP.
    Jun 1, 2014
  2. LtSpearzZ
    I tried giving someone the link, but I don't think it worked
    Jun 1, 2014
  3. Kyleep
    Collin gave me the link and it didn't work, he told me to email @drtshock over 2 weeks ago, I did and he still hasn't responded, this is beyond unacceptable now, he needs to sort it out, even if he is doing the secret project...:/
    Jun 1, 2014
  4. Muri
    Can you copy the link to me then?
    Jun 1, 2014
  5. Kyleep