Comments on Profile Post by Toney

  1. Goowy
    I mute other people, though you don't see me mute them.
    May 30, 2014
  2. Toney
    Yeah, that's why I see them post afterwards.
    Okay, but disregard that. I want a reason to why I was muted. You can't just mute me and not tell me a reason.
    May 30, 2014
  3. Goowy
    I saw you calling Mining a "scrub." I think that's minor bullying. Also, Mining told me you called him a f@g. .-.
    May 30, 2014
  4. Toney
    He called me a ***, and HALF the server says scrub.
    You're not even on factions to actually know that. Am I not entitled to my opinion on whether someone is a scrub or not?You didn't even mute me after I said scrub, anyways. You muted me after mining told you a stupid lie. You'd mute me without hearing my side of the story anyways. You put your emotions way ahead of your job.
    May 30, 2014
  5. Swiftwing9
    Scrub? What's that
    May 30, 2014
  6. Goowy
    Are you saying you'd do any better as a helper? Honestly, your grammar when you chat is horrible.
    By muting you, I didn't even mean to seem biased or I mute pretty much anyone that swears or whatever. Also, my emotions have nothing to do with Mining telling me something. Can we just ignore each other and get this over with? :p
    May 30, 2014
  7. Goowy
    By the way, I don't hate you. Have I done anything mean to you in the past, except for muting you today...?
    May 30, 2014
  8. Toney
    Listen, that's the difference between me and you. I'm not always serious, you think I actually talk like that? I can be serious when I want to. You act like you never been a derp before.
    May 30, 2014
  9. Toney
    I thought you had to have proof to mute someone anyways? Does that not apply to me?
    May 30, 2014
  10. Toney
    I had a long paragraph written out, but it exceeded the 420 characters limit.
    May 30, 2014
  11. Toney
    Well, in that case, I can tell you that someone called be a inappropriate word and you'd mute him/her without proper proof?
    May 30, 2014
  12. Toney
    Bj873 said the a word and the s word, can you mute him? Huh?
    May 30, 2014