Comments on Profile Post by ArticMelon

  1. Goowy
    I already contacted the staff on Skype about this.
    May 9, 2014
  2. ArticMelon
    Thanks get him banned, have Juan (is possible) to DDoS him!
    May 9, 2014
  3. LtSpearzZ
    Um, would that happen to be what your info showed up as? If it is, I would remove the link since everyone can see it.
    May 9, 2014
  4. Goowy
    No, it shows your own info when you click it. For me, the website got the City part wrong :p
    May 9, 2014
  5. ArticMelon
    He got my zip code & city wrong, but ip he got right
    May 9, 2014
  6. LtSpearzZ
    If it was our information would it not be best to remove the link. There is the possibility that everyone that clicks on the link runs the same risk as you did.
    May 9, 2014
  7. Goowy
    I need to comment on everyone's profile and tell them not to click the link .-. Brb
    May 9, 2014
  8. ArticMelon
    I made a thread. Wait for a mod ;)
    May 9, 2014
  9. LtSpearzZ
    I would highly recommend deleting / editing this post on Pixel's profile to get rid of the website address, as well I would recommend Pixel deletes the post that he put on her profile. You don't know who might miss the thread and accidentally click it.
    May 9, 2014