Comments on Profile Post by Salty_Pretzel

  1. Goowy
    He used to hold the record for the most commented thread. I agree with you; he shouldn't be mad at you for this. He should just completely ignore the thread as that would prevent a lot of grudges and arguments.
    May 4, 2014
  2. Salty_Pretzel
    Plat, I'm sry if I made you mad, and I can always help you with anything, but srsly all I wanted was to be friends with you you seem like a good friend to have to other people. But I understand if you don't like me, but plz tell me if you can be my friend, I rly want to be your friend too.
    May 4, 2014
  3. Jack
    Lock it then and I'll consider it :(
    May 6, 2014
  4. Salty_Pretzel
    Woah hold up, why do you want my thread to get locked anyways?
    May 6, 2014