Very Disrespectful Please Check

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by CreeperSwag, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. CreeperSwag

    CreeperSwag New Member

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Player(s) IGN: Braymiller0053 View attachment 9977 View attachment 9977
    Your IGN:CreeperSwag14
    Rule broken/wrongdoing:He disrespected my mother to me that is really offensive.
    Evidence:Screenshot below
    When this occurred: 8/4/14 at exactly 1:30 AM
    Additional details: Hes really disrespectfull everyday he calls me a noob and a ****,***** but that really dosnt bother me but today he went over the limits he disrespected my mother he said hes going to rape her and **** her in the ******** allot of perverted things.

    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 1

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