Unban everyone! READ THIS <--

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by Cwarn, Jan 6, 2015.

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  1. Cwarn

    Cwarn New Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Most people have been waiting years to be unbanned from their favorite minecraft server. Even theepicguy452 MVP, wizardmaster1217 timeless, richbeast default but a good friend. (:( why did u have to go), Cwarn Admin, Ovus_JR Admin, jiggly2002 Admin. Countless more names of good people who have been shut down because of very uncivilized accusations. they have been waiting a long time to be unbanned Just because of some bs fakechat that happened before they even released the rule that you cannot report someone if the fakechat is not valid. Please, if you are gonna make a ban-saving update, at least unban the people who have fallen victim to it in the first place. Theepicguy452 has been banned for atleast a year. Thats a long time. A long time of dedication to this server, just to have his dedication shut down because of some kids who got mad at him and decided to fakechat him. Pretty much everyone who got banned for fakechat has been playing for a while. and for you guys to take it away from them just because of some other angry kids, is just mindboggling. All im asking is for if you update the rules, update the bans. The only people who deserve to get banned are the ddosers who were actually proved a threat. I wish you actually had to have proof of them ddosing you before you can just report them for "oooh waaa he said he would ddos me!" with some fakecatted pictures and or actual pictures and boom hes gone forever. It doesnt really make any sence. Even if it wasnt fakechat, everyone does things they regret. They should be punished but not forever. Honestly it makes no sence to me and never will no matter how many times you guys make up excuses for it. Many people have made it a far way just to get banned by some butthurt kids on the computer reporting to staff some bs. Really? Is that how uncivilized our community is? Well if that is true, dont listen to this post and go doing your everyday banning for life because thats how you guys always do it. If thats how this is gonna stay as, your community is going to slowly loose players until it completely dies. Compare the amount of people on a long time ago to now. For example, Factions, thousands of dedicated people banned. used to be 200 - 300+ people online. Now its only 60 - 90 and very rarely anywhere close to 120. Our community has taken a beating, and we would like it to stop now. Countless people who have been banned and are still even viewing the the community website just to see what updates have came out. (which there has been a lack of) Even I do that, and im banned (Fakechatted btw). I really hope that some justice will be done and all this time i spent wasted just because some staff replys with "well ur banned and u did stuff wrong so i dont care y would i care pl0x im not bannd lol sux for all you thousands of people."

    BTW all you kids who are disagreeing because your not banned, good job. Your obviously helping the community in the best way possible.
    #1 Cwarn, Jan 6, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
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  2. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 30, 2013
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    This is not a player report. These types of things are best emailed to [email protected]
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