Sarcastic? Romero_Rules, SgtTwirls explains his story!

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by SgtTwirls, May 22, 2014.

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  1. SgtTwirls

    SgtTwirls New Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    So its being sarcastic when he said , "I'm trying to ddos you" OK honestly he just said he got unbanned by Emily by skyping. Theirs proof their that he said he was trying to ddos me and i went offline 5 or 10 minutes after playing on minetime. This is full on crazy, But yeah you guys even saw my fourm so honestly i don't belive this should be happening. Maybe one reason he got unbanned is becuase hes a admin donor rank? The rules always apply hes still a player it shouldent change how the rules affect him. Please reconsider this is something wrong he did

    Edit: I know what ddos is im not stupid, my router crashed and my minecraft crashed and i had to turn of my router so my router would be working. For people who might say you probally dont even know what ddos is.

    Edit2: Romero and Goldenrod disliked it know they did it.
    #1 SgtTwirls, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
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