Player report

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by IbenInfinity_, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. IbenInfinity_

    IbenInfinity_ Dedicated Minetimer

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I have stumbled over a player (Parkourslayer) on minetime creative that rapidly seems to swear when people are trying to be polite to people that Parkourslayer doesn't like or matter of fact swearing to at that very moment. He also said just before I decided I had enough and write this report he messaged me. "stop being a grammar Nazi autistic feggit fu(kboi jew ok." Twice. He has messaged me such things and said in chat many times over and over "MURLOCENDISE YOU SUCK" (That is my ign) He has done this to many other players and many people don't meaningfully like him he is the quite dislikeable guy and I wouldn't go as far as banning him forever but banning him for a little while could be a smart move cause if this wouldn't be done I'm pretty sure he'd keep on saying things like what I said. (Sorry for the slight bad grammar I'm having a little bad day currently.) (Sorry I do not have any screenshots cause the messages went away quite after I was done writing this.)

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