Not Cool

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by cot456789, Feb 22, 2016.

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  1. cot456789

    cot456789 Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 20, 2015
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    So the picture of Powers16 saying "kill yourself faggot" was sent to me. The message I took a screen shot of because he was mad I had killed him in his base. He proceeded to call me more names, but I told him I wouldn't post the Image to get him banned if he apologized. He did and I haven't. You can tell it was long ago from him being a CEO. It was October 28th 2015. I'll edit to post time later. Do not ban him for this I have forgiven him. I sent the image to Averax because I wanted I show him what he had said. But I didn't want this image to spread.
    Stop making player reports claiming it was sent to you.

    Suspects Name: Powers16
    My IGN: Cot456789 (at the time of the incident)/EzPzCot/FieryPit/ SacredOre

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  2. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I don't see why you posted this if you don't want him banned? Whatever the case, it was too long ago for him to be punished.
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