Nether Warts Not working?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Archives' started by HockeyDude2001, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    No, we checked and re-did the plugin's numbers, fixed it and tested it. It functions as it is supposed to. I'm not really sure why you are using lava as a light source, as it has no bearing on the growth of netherwart. The required light level could be easily met with a glowstone every 5 blocks or so. You can still make quicker profit off of netherwart farms than most people can mining, but they are significantly less OP now.

    LUCASBRAGZ Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 23, 2013
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    It doesn't need lava, I'm pretty sure any light source will do as long as the light level of the nether wart is 7 or greater. (is it 7? If not it's something around that). I use glowstone and it's working well.
  3. Mw9247xxGaming

    Mw9247xxGaming New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    They need a light level of 9 or above to grow. Most people just put a glowstone roof above them to grow them. Although even with that I was losing about 2 warts per 100 grown after taking away the amount I planted.
  4. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    The death rates are not effected by the light level, just the growth rates.
  5. Mw9247xxGaming

    Mw9247xxGaming New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    I know that. Hence I said "They need a light level of 9 or above to grow." What I'm saying is that even with the appropriate light level and after a masssssive wait I was still losing warts every time I farmed them.So after 2 days or so I went from 100 warts down to 60. :)
  6. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Yes, that has nothing to do with the light level. If it is too dark they will simply not grow (Stay at current growth stage). Them dying is inevitable, somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the netherwarts should die and disappear before they reach the harvesting stage, thus making farms less OP.
  7. Mw9247xxGaming

    Mw9247xxGaming New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    I know it has nothing to do with the light level -_____-
    I said that atleast 100 times (twice really ;) )
    I know the warts have a 65% Growth rate. I do read the updates. You seem to have mis understood what I was saying about them.
    #27 Mw9247xxGaming, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  8. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Indeed. It seems that you are complaining about your netherwarts dying despite being well lit.However, according to you now, this is not the case. Would you care to offer an explanation of what you are actually saying here then?
    It is actually a 65% growth rate. If they are properly lit, they can still only grow at 65% pf their normal rate.

    I am however, a bit confused on the death rate. According to Collin's post here the death rate is 50%, meaning that 50% of the netherwarts should die and turn into dead-bush (or grass or whatever) and disappear. However, based on my personal conversations with him, the death rate is 35%. (I'm not sure which percentage is currently correct) Either way, it is still possible to turn quite a profit with farms.
  9. Mw9247xxGaming

    Mw9247xxGaming New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    Sorry I meant growth* Typo :) I am complaining that the warts take ages to grow even though I have appropriate lighting and also that my warts seem to die at more than a 35% chance. As I use to have 100 and then it went down to 60 after 2 days. :) In that post collin is stating that wart only have a 65% chance of growing, and of the 35% that don't grow 50% of the will turn into a dead bush (the others will just disappear.

    I'm saying that although they are meant to grow 65% of the time I stil seem to end up losing warts every day and never have any to sell.
    Maybe this is just my luck but originally I was agreeing with badaddy who stated that he thinks there is a bug with them. :)
  10. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I think you are just a bit confused as to how the plugin works.

    So, as we've stated, the growth rate is 65% yes? Well, to further explain this 100% would be the normal speed of growth, 65% means that they grow slower, 35% slower to be exact. The growth rate just effects how fast they grow, not them stopping growing.

    The death rate is either 50% or 35% (Not sure which Collin ended up setting it to, but for the sake of this explanation let's assume 50%). So, this is what controls them being lost. 50% of the netherwarts will stop growing and turn into deadbush and/or disappear.

    So, only half of the netherwarts will be left by the time that they are fully grown, right? Well, you receive 2-4 netherwarts per plant harvested (up to 7 netherwarts with fortune 3). So, even if you receive the lowest amount possible (2 per plant, which is essentially statistically impossible, you are likely to get much more) it is still enough to, at the very least, replant the entire farm without losses.

    Edit: Just to give a numerical example here. Say you plant 100 warts. 50 of them will die before they are fully grown. Assuming you only got the lowest possible drops from those 50, you'd still get 100 back to replant. In reality, you'd get much more than that too.

    The issue is more likely that some of the netherwart drops are burning in the lava you are using when you harvest them.
    #30 Jess, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  11. Mw9247xxGaming

    Mw9247xxGaming New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    You are definitely confused now ;)
    1.) Where did you get that information?
    2.) The death rate is 35% (You are getting 50% because 50% of the warts that DIE become bushes. so 50% of 35% = 17.5% so 17.5% of the warts you plant will turn into bushes) So if you plant 100, 65 will grow, 17.5 will disappear and 17.5 will turn into dead bushes.
    3.) yes i get I SHOULD be not making any losses which is why I agreed with badaddy that I thought there was a fault somewhere.
    4.) I am not using lava that was badaddy who said that. I use glowstone.

  12. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Well, everyone else with a netherwart farm seems to be doing just fine, so I'm not sure what your issue is then.


    Ok yes, just re-read the documentation on the plugin, I had missed a sentence or two in the middle. Yes, the death chance is only applied if the growth chance fails. Either way, netherwart farming is currently working fine for everyone else.
    #32 Jess, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  13. GTej229

    GTej229 Forum Fanatic

    May 3, 2014
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    @Jess I think this thread should be locked because the original concern was addressed.
  14. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    • Informative Informative x 1
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