Minetime Playerbase is too low.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by cguay2013, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. cguay2013

    cguay2013 Forum Fanatic

    Dec 5, 2013
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    I feel like minetime is not the same anymore. Been part of minetime for a long time never had any interest becoming staff either and still have no interest. There's a reason the playerbase used to be HUGE now it's doing 200. Timeless rank is not the same of course due to EULA. But seriously 2k players in the old Minetime and new Minetime is 200 I've seen it maybe 350. It's not the same without collin don't know the new owner.

    Sees the commands for timeless when I am

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  2. Acro

    Acro Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 9, 2015
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. YargiFFA

    YargiFFA Forum Enthusiast

    May 2, 2016
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    Agreed. I remember when it had solid 1200 people playing during the day few years ago
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  4. cguay2013

    cguay2013 Forum Fanatic

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Yea it might take 3 to 4 years to get that.
  5. paulforthebuild

    paulforthebuild Active Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    tbh the new "staff" dont do anything most of them but some of them do something i ran into a problem today when i first get unbanned i ask for a link from a helper and i get ignored There were 2 helpers on 3 at one time but that 3rd one got off quick i asked a first time then i asked again they went over to me stared at me and LEFT and the other helper didnt even care about the chat my friend msged me a PIC OVER SKYPE on this like things that would get a perm mute or at lest a temp mute this is stupid and we could Report these helpers/mods for this but this person who got the pic of someone who msged her something only could take pics on her phone it was in msg form which one of the herlpers/mods could see! like i hate these new "staff" its not even a good server from these helpers most of them dont even do anything when someone swears or anything really i got banned at the hub but when im unbanned and on the server and i see people talk trash and things i feel i could be a helper like srs! its like im so bad at saying things that willget me banned but crap i could monter chat for a while its not TOO hard like for real But i agree on this thread
  6. PingPongGamer

    PingPongGamer Former Builder

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Sorry, but could you use a full stop or comma, I almost passed out because I ran out of breath.
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  7. benji

    benji Forum Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I believe cyp and crew shouldn't of bought minetime, like crew is inactive and doesn't need a new server .. cyp is more active than crew but hardly. I believe Tyler could run this server by himself but I don't know, with promoting a more mods, and an admin.
  8. dsfadfasdfsa

    dsfadfasdfsa Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 19, 2016
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    It's funny because people like you think Collin actually did things for Minetime still. Plus Tyler doesn't have FTP/File access anymore so he can't run it himself.
    Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I once had to spam chat just to get a Helper to answer my question, when there was about 6 of them online. Plus, a while back imcalledsarah left for work, rather than do her job on Minetime which would've taken an entire 45 seconds; these guys were spamming racist remarks, and completely flooded the server with them.
    Not really. One of the servers I was a system admin for got a 400 playerbase in two months just from MCServers.org.
  9. Zephlimorak

    Zephlimorak Guest

    In response to "it's not the same without Colin"

    This has nothing to do with the new owners. We lost 90% of our player base because the server was offline all summer. If someone on the server didn't have a forum account or didn't use the forums, they would have assumed that the server is gone forever.

    Guess who's fault it is the server got shut down in the first place? Colin. He refused to fix ranks even though he had multiple months notice. If he would've fixed ranks then, he could've passed the server on to Cyp and Crew while it was still up and running. Instead, he dropped it and our new owners had to rely on Mojang's terrible wait times.

    By no means do I respect the new owners. They're inactive, they don't trust Tyler with the server files, they've done many immature things in the past, but at least they dragged us out of the ditch Colin dumped us in.
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  10. Firerad_Fieritis

    Firerad_Fieritis Dedicated Minetimer

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Some of the people I use to play with on the Creative server have left probably due to the fact that the server went down so quickly. I read what happened and I know Colin made a mistake. We all make mistakes, but it might as well cost many people their friends on the server. On the bright side at least, most of the people I'm friends with looked on the forums before coming to the conclusion that the server was gone forever. But I do agree that the server shutting down so abruptly is what caused the drop in players. I wonder if there are any places dedicated to advertising servers... Might do the owners well to think of posting the server's IP there.
  11. benji

    benji Forum Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2016
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    lmao I know collin doesn't do anything for minetime anymore..
  12. JetMC

    JetMC Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    bad owner

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