Hacking threats and harassment

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by Rooby01, Jan 6, 2016.

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  1. Rooby01

    Rooby01 Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Hello i was playing on the creative server a couple of days ago and this player teleported to my plot and randomly began asking me 'innapropriate' and 'sexual' questions and was threating to hack me if i refused to do so, ive had this done to me before on another server and my mc account was hacked and i had to get a new one, so i took this threat a bit seriously so thats why i hadnt reported it sooner i know its not a lot of evidence but i can assure you i am telling the truth the player is in the screen shot connected to this thread.

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  2. Kevin

    Kevin Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Sorry, but with the screenshot provided there isn't enough evidence to do anything about this player. If what you're saying is true I recommend just /ignoring them. If you have additional proof, feel free to create a new report. Thank you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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