Hello this is billiam42 here and I'm Executive and on sky block I have /fly. Now you may think I'm a hacker ore a person who has been on the server a long time. Whell it is guess number 2 !!!!! Yes I did buy fly about 2 years ago for $15 well taken. So some people have /fly and no admin. And peace out.
It serves to try and stop people calling people who are flying and not admins hackers because sometimes they're not.
Yes but some servers on minetime have NoCheat+ which link a regular minecraft client to your computer when on that specific server. Which means, that for example: normally you could jump 1 block, so the server knows that, if you jump more than 1 *using hacks*, it teleports you back to your loctation before you jumped more than 1 block. Collin has enabled this on servers where using hacks are just plain annoying. Collin allows hacks... but they are only useable on servers where you need to move around quickly.
Keep in mind, some people glitch out, causing NoCheat or others to kick them by mistake, this giving them a warning, or something like it.
From how I see it, and personal experience, I much rather use a Fly hack then pay X amount of USD to gain the /fly command... but that's just me being cheap and whatnot. Sighhh, the struggle of relogging every few minutes.
It possibly can be a hacker, or if they were at the server last year in like March they could have bought/fly.