Emily or some other mod plz help someone is trying to get me banned for no reason

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by runguyss, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. runguyss

    runguyss New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    Ok so if you are reading this you will at least care a little bit Itswoodsy i guess has a hack client that can fake the chat and he put it where i said i was gonna ddoss him and well he is doing this all because i tried to get his best friend banned because he was lava monster spawn so some mod please help me itswoodsy used to be my friend now he just seems to be a @$%@ plz help me i would never say that i hate people that do that type of crap because i got hit off so many times when i was fighting wutan1dot and the other kid i don't rember his name please help
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