
Discussion in 'Off Topic Archive' started by anar hajiyev, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    This really made me think, so much that I created this. This was posted by me on a different thread, but was a bit too long I think ;).

    I totally disagree in school. This is not because I'm stupid or generally don't like it, but I agree Education is Key. Please read on. Education is key. Education is expanding your mind, thinking outside the box. However, does school reallydo this? In school, you think of something outside the box and creative on an exam, they mark it wrong, not what they were looking for.

    Let me tell you what Society would tell you : Get a degree and a good education and get a good job.
    Let me tell you what your parents would tell you: Make me proud.

    Now, let's look at the statistics, Steve Jobs, seven billion. R.I.P. Richard Branson, 4.2 billion. Oprah Winfrey, 2.7 billion. Mark Zuckenberg, Henry Ford, Bill Gates and many more. Looking at these individuals, neither of them ever graduated from a higher learning institution.

    All I'm saying is that if there would be a family tree, hard work and education would be related, but school, would be a distant cousin. As long as you have good grades and pass 'exams' you're cool. But are you aware examiners have a checklist? That if there is an answer outside of the box they mark it wrong and then they claim that school expands your horizons and your visions. Well tell that to Nelson Mandela who spent the majority of his life in a prison. Is he an 'un-educated' man? Is he stupid?

    Proverbs 17:16: 'It does a fool no good to spend money on education, why? Because he has no common sense', George Bush.
    Need I say more?

    Education is about expanding one's mind, not just filling in their head, and take this from me because I'm an 'educated-man' myself. Memorising facts and dates before the exam which I will never remember, and half of which I will forget straight after the exam.

    I'm not saying school is evil and there is nothing to gain. All I'm saying is that understand your motives and re-access your aims. Because if you want a job working for someone else then help yourself. But that would be a contridiction as you wouldn't really be helping yourself, you would be helping someone else. There is a saying which says: 'If you don't build your dreams someone else would hire you to build theirs,'. Education is not about regurgitating your mind from text-books. Look at it, Picasso was educated in the act of art, Shakespeare in the act that was written.

    I will not let an exam result decide my fate.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. daelwolf

    daelwolf Retired Staff

    Nov 22, 2013
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    I disagree. School and education is the driving force of the new generation. Without it, where would be be? Of course school doesn't emphasize on the creative, "out-of-the-box" ideas because that's bit what ties meant for. School provides the basic information needed to make anyone successful. Of course, there are the outstanding individuals who don't attend abide by the social 'rules', but the majority of the population are not like them. School is the most important thing created, with out, we would be nothing.

    However, I do agree with your argument in some aspects. Like you said, exam results are not an accurate representation of how 'smart' someone is.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Completely disagree. Without school we would have free minds. Take Nelson Mandela, school in South Africa, not a good school. Look at where he was, majority of his life in prison and still extremely clever. Please look at these videos and hopefully your thoughts will change:


  4. daelwolf

    daelwolf Retired Staff

    Nov 22, 2013
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    I believe there is a difference in not enjoying your school and hating the entire school system.
  5. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    I never said I hated school and I do enjoy school. Did you watch the videos?
  6. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    I agree school is useful, I am not saying that school is evil. I am just saying it is not the true reason of education.
  7. SlimeBlade

    SlimeBlade Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I used to think school was torture
  8. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Not torture. I agree school helps you.
  9. SlimeBlade

    SlimeBlade Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Yea now I don't think it is
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