Dear Staff.

Discussion in 'Reports Archive' started by cheesecheesecow, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. cheesecheesecow

    cheesecheesecow New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    daelwolf said to me you do not take responsibility for accounts... I was banned for saying I had GTeJ299's account.. Like really I was kidding I had his account.. this is my favourite server. Because I said a bad joke that has gotten me banned wish I could go back and change what I did. Please give me another chance. I was gonna buy Timeless this tuesday. But really if you don't take responsibility for accounts why was I banned for saying a Joke that I had GTeJ229's account.. Ill show everything on my computer that I dont have it.
  2. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    The issue is not weather you actually had his account, or even weather you even have the ability to steal his account. The real issue at large here is that you assumed a threatening posture in which you made him believe you had "hacked" his account in an attempt to scare/threaten him, thus making the server feel like an unsafe and unfriendly place for our other players. We do not appreciate this behavior and I find it unlikely that you will be unbanned.

    However, you are always welcome to try, email [email protected] for support. Please use proper grammar and include any relevant information you might have. Also, please keep your email polite. Keep in mind that it usually takes her a few days to respond to emails and if you don't get a reply then it is likely that your request has been denied.
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