Cats Recruitment Thread

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Kyleep, Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Your effort on your application will be the first thing we look at.

    So Me, @Tmfilms and Jaqwertyuiop (@Coords) decided that it was time we recruited some members into our faction. It seems so boring with out the fun of new people! :) Below, is the correct format on submitting your application, remember: Once you go cat, you don't go back! #CATSOP

      • IGN:
      • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance)
      • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no)
      • Do you have any relations to a current member?:
      • What skills can you bring to the faction?:
      • PVP Skills [1-10]:
      • Cannoning Skill [1-10]:
      • Cats or Dogs?:
      • Sweg level [1-10]:
      • What is your rank?:
      • In game money balance:
      • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names)
      • Why do you want to join Cats?:
      • Timezone:
      • Tell us about yourself as a person:
      • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money)
    • We will accept within the next few days.
    • We Will claim any base up to 6 lands.
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  2. Tmfilms

    Tmfilms New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    Factions- we are on the factions thread so...
  3. Hazzastibbs

    Hazzastibbs Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2013
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  4. tacticturtle

    tacticturtle New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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      • IGN: TacticTurtle

      • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) 13 bub

      • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) Internal Microphone, Skype is talon_c_su

      • Do you have any relations to a current member?: Not at all.

      • What skills can you bring to the faction?: I have Huzuni, and can provide anything in my kits, plus voting for the rewards

      • PVP Skills [1-10]: 8

      • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: 7

      • Cats or Dogs?: CATS DUH I have 2 ask me for pics they r so adorable :3

      • Sweg level [1-10]: MMm... I think 10 :cool::cool::cool:

      • What is your rank?: Admin

      • In game money balance: $740 -___-

      • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) No D:

      • Why do you want to join Cats?: I play only on prison, but a good faction like this would get me going on facs again. :D

      • Timezone: PST

      • Tell us about yourself as a person: i like turtles and maybe spoons

      • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) 740 and all my kits... yeah im poor as ****
    #4 tacticturtle, Mar 29, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
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  5. Yoowy

    Yoowy Expert Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    When will you guys be recruiting for Prison? I barely play on factions so I wouldn't be accepted, but I've really been wanting to join Cats on Prison lately. Plus, I think I'd be a pretty good candidate. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Joel

    Joel Retired Ninja

    Oct 8, 2013
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    @Tmfilms hey bro! I would apply, but I like my faction. Maybe later! :)
  7. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    This is for factions, ask @Im_Orange for information on prison.
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  8. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    You're always welcome to apply! <3:)
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  9. Hazzastibbs

    Hazzastibbs Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2013
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    • IGN: Hazzastibbs
    • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) nearly 17
    • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) no, planning on buying one
    • Do you have any relations to a current member?: I have talked to Im_orange a few times and talked to Kyle a couple of times as well
    • What skills can you bring to the faction?: red stone. I make heaps of red stone stuff.
    • PVP Skills [1-10]: 7. When I have hacks turned on
    • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: 8, I know how to make hybrid cannons
    • Cats or Dogs?: Cats mate
    • Sweg level [1-10]: sweg x10
    • What is your rank?:executive buying admin soon possibly timeless
    • In game money balance: 4 or 5k haven't harvested in a while
    • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) yes, don't want to reveal names (Hazzastibbs is actually my alt my primary account is moderator on other servers and I don't want to reveal my proper name)
    • Why do you want to join Cats?: #catsop
    • Timezone: GMT+ 10 Brisbane
    • Tell us about yourself as a person: I like spoons
    • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) lots and lots of TNT, netherwart soul sand and more
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  10. Player0949

    Player0949 New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    IGN: Player0949
    Age: 12
    I don't have skype at all
    What skills can you bring: I can do good raiding if I have items. I don't have much items, and that makes me limited.
    PVP skills: I have Huzuni, which makes me 9/10, but without Huzuni, I'm 6/10.
    Cannoning skill: Really, 7.5/10 to be honest.
    Cats or Dogs: I have a cat and he is awesome! :)
    Sweg level: 8/10 I'm not that well known, but some people recognize me in Zombie Infection. :)
    Rank: Default, and noob in factions.
    I don't have any alternate accounts. :(
    Timeline: PST (GMT -8:00)
    What type of person are you: In Minecraft, I might not be good, but IRL, I'm pretty nice, and cool to chill with. :cool:
    What are you willing to give: I am willing to donate all my money in Factions, $25,000+, this is not much.
    Additional section: I'm a noob in Factions. I'm. yo good at all, and I just suck. I don't want to be mistreated and called bad on you faction. I'd really appreciate if you do accept in your faction, especially since I'd really like to play Factions more. :)

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to include a section. Do you have any relationship with any faction members? Sadly, I don't have any relationship. :(

    Edit 2: I just checked, and I can give half a stack of TNT too. :)
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  11. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    That thing about spoons, just blew me away! <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. Genius1223

    Genius1223 Dedicated Minetimer

    Oct 3, 2013
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      • IGN: Genius1223

      • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) - 13, turning 14

      • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) Yes.

      • Do you have any relations to a current member?: I don't get what you'd mean by relations, but I seem to get along with Tmfilms pretty well.

      • What skills can you bring to the faction?: PvPing, brewing, mining, harvesting. I'm an all rounder.

      • PVP Skills [1-10]: Not sure, don't want to seem cocky so I guess 9 or 10.

      • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: 7

      • Cats or Dogs?: Cats

      • Sweg level [1-10]: 11

      • What is your rank?: Admin.

      • In game money balance: Currently really poor, buying people stuff + building my own base = poor

      • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) Yes; Hetalishah.

      • Why do you want to join Cats?: I want to build with you guys and have another experience at where I'd start if I was a regular member.

      • Timezone: Perth? +8 or something lol idk

      • Tell us about yourself as a person: I'm a cool and gentle guy, I get frustrated sometimes but ya know lol :p

      • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) 250k lol, but I'm not sure if I wanna leave my faction and join yours xD Although it'd be a new experience.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. GameWorld426

    GameWorld426 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    • IGN: Swag
    • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance)23
    • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no)yes
    • Do you have any relations to a current member?: kyleep
    • What skills can you bring to the faction?:everything
    • PVP Skills [1-10]:9
    • Cannoning Skill [1-10]:20
    • Cats or Dogs?:cogs
    • Sweg level [1-10]:99999999
    • What is your rank?:timeless
    • In game money balance:999k
    • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names)10 I sit. Want to reveal them
    • Why do you want to join Cats?:to raid
    • Timezone: flordid
    • Tell us about yourself as a person: spoons
    • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money)100k
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  14. max4485

    max4485 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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      • IGN: max4485

      • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) 18

      • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) No soz

      • Do you have any relations to a current member?: No

      • What skills can you bring to the faction?: Building and Mining

      • PVP Skills [1-10]: 8

      • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: Not sure think its tnt cannon so 9

      • Cats or Dogs?: Cats r so cute

      • Sweg level [1-10]: Smart and have swag so 10

      • What is your rank?: Executive

      • In game money balance: about 40k
        • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) no

      • Why do you want to join Cats?: Be cauz cats are cure and i love the fact and it also seems so powerful and popular

      • Timezone: Australian Eastern Time Zone

      • Tell us about yourself as a person: Helpful and ussaly easy to get along with

      • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) 100k-250k
    I hope you accept this it would mean everything to me

    #14 max4485, Mar 29, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. TheVSterbro

    TheVSterbro New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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      • IGN: VVVVVV3636

      • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) 12

      • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) Yes

      • Do you have any relations to a current member?: You :3

      • What skills can you bring to the faction?: Pvping skills, I use hacks, which gives me an advantage.

      • PVP Skills [1-10]: 8/10

      • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: 6/10

      • Cats or Dogs?: CATS!!

      • Sweg level [1-10]: Sweg in the house 8/10

      • What is your rank?: Timeless

      • In game money balance: 20k or something

      • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) Yes, ZacCherry, Jedman1234

      • Why do you want to join Cats?: I've never really been included to super powerful factions, and this faction could be my chance. I use hacks, Huzuni, which can help during PvP. Also, I LOVE SPOONS! <3 Kyleep

      • Timezone: Australia EST timezone

      • Tell us about yourself as a person: I, myself think I am a responsible, hard working and trustworthy person. Even though I am 12, I believe I am quite mature and focused in difficult situations. :D

    • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) Anything you wish that I have :3
    Thanks :)
  16. ArticMelon

    ArticMelon New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    • IGN: ArticMelon
    • Age: (optional however, will be needed upon acceptance) 12
    • Skype with microphone?: (yes/no) nope :c maybe soon though
    • Do you have any relations to a current member?: Well, tmfilms chased me for about a hour on prison... Relationship? :3
    • What skills can you bring to the faction?: Protection 3 & Protection 6 armor
    • PVP Skills [1-10]: 9
    • Cannoning Skill [1-10]: 8
    • Cats or Dogs?: Spoons ;)
    • Sweg level [1-10]: 10
    • What is your rank?: Admin (Soon to be Timeless <3)
    • In game money balance: Not sure, can pay whatever you need
    • Do you have any alts? yes/no ( if so, add names) Yes, I have 1. The username is so hard to remember, I'll tell you when I get on the computer, a friend have it to me.
    • Why do you want to join Cats?: I don't have a good faction
    • Timezone: Colorado mountain time
    • Tell us about yourself as a person: What's that mean? o.o
    • Finally, what are you willing to pay to join cats: (items or money) My PvP kit I bought during the sale, & all my admin kits if you'd like :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. GameWorld426

    GameWorld426 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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  18. Hazzastibbs

    Hazzastibbs Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 28, 2013
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    <3 thanks bab. In a way you remind me of oscartoby xD
  19. shouldabinblack

    shouldabinblack New Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    cane eye john? <3
  20. Mark_Beaster

    Mark_Beaster Forum Enthusiast

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I like dogs more
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