Block Market - Our Town (part 1/idk)

Discussion in 'Builds' started by Qurp, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Qurp

    Qurp Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Introducing BLOCK MARKET!!!!!
    Starring My_Bedtime as nicholas, and xmankiller5 as dominic!, and last but definitely not least, Minecraftmstr48 as Vincent! AND LINNYTHEMINER AS LINNY< AND CATIECAT AS CATIE!!!!!!!!!!
    hai, me and my friends dominic and vincent created a town and dubbed it"block market" here are all of the buildings in it :D hope u enjoy (sorry most of the builds are bad but we decided it would take to much time to make detail and we did this for fun@! :D we put a new building in everyday, i will be posting updates for it!)
    (also, we even made a currency, where every 30 secs, you get 1 dollar, or an emerald, inwhich you buy like, fireworks or armour. :D!)
    2015-08-17_19.08.04.png First: Campfire, the actuall fire is gone XD but it was still there for try not to laugh type mini games! built by: My_Bedtime

    second:ahhh the tank, it it actually fully functional with a firework that shoots out with a red explosion, built by: My_Bedtime

    third:lol i think this is a taco stand XD Built by: Xmankiller5

    2015-08-17_19.07.06.png fourth: this is my clock im working on, and that entire thing is only 4 mins, just goes to show you, clocks take up time (pun intended) built by: My_bedtime

    2015-08-17_19.06.53.png fifth: this is a bridge. enough said. built by: xmankiller5

    Thanks for watching part 1!also, plz do all of the parts, because these builds are terrible and we know, upcoming parts have better ones, believe me.
    #1 Qurp, Aug 17, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  2. Scottie

    Scottie New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    I really enjoy your town so far, the building's look amazing and your town is really looking good!

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