Add Rank Perks/Bonuses/Advantages! we didn't buy ranks for nothing!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Archives' started by Arshan, Apr 24, 2015.


Do you think Minetime Donors should get abilities in Empires?

  1. Yes I Completely Agree! Let's start a revolution! yes yes yes yes

  2. Yes

  3. Yep pretty much

  4. Well, yeah kinda.

  5. Maybe, I don't really care.

  6. Nah

  7. No

  8. No! There is no good reason to give server supporters extra perks that where promised! No!

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  1. Arshan

    Arshan New Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Donors payed real money to get perks in all the servers! That was promised to us. But when Empires came along I was so excited!
    Turns out YOU HAVE TO BUY new things for your empire. With more money!

    I think lower donors should have just a few plugins extra, and Admins and Timeless should get most of them/all of them.

  2. militia81

    militia81 Anonymous-Spy

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Empires is a separate service than minetime. When you join empire you don't get your rank that you bought because you are joining another server sorta. If you want the extra plugins, and what not, you will need to buy them. Except, right now Empires are still being processed and worked on. There's a lot of bugs and glitches that are still not to be fixed. I would advise you to wait patiently for this to be fixed up. Furthermore, having the low rank, (premium - MVP) would be a good resource if they gotten a free plugin, but the rest of ranks have to pay for them. Non-ranks get the custom standard ones. But that isn't my decision. My opinion is, wait till every bug is fixed, and then start a empire. Everything would work properly and you won't have to bother with having glitches with purchases.
  3. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Donors freely gave their money to the server, after reading a list of rewards that they may receive for doing so. Distinctly, empires upgrades are not on this list. Your empires cost a substantial monthly upkeep to continue running, thus, to run a better one you need to provide a monthly payment to match. Giving players upgraded empires for one-time rank donations would shut empires down due to cost constraints within a few months. You are not promised any perks/rewards on empires for your purchase of a donor rank and, as such, do not receive any. It is simply not feasible.
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