Comments on Profile Post by Richiecat62

  1. Richiecat62
    Like literally period that's all I have to say. School sucks.its the grammar period, the one like a comma and stuff.
    Apr 2, 2014
  2. Megan
    That's not good! What don't you like? Your classes, friends, teachers?
    Apr 2, 2014
  3. Richiecat62
    I have a little to much friends, it's not that it's THE STUPID TEACHERS!! Yelling at you for getting wet by a hose which didn't seem like drenched because I am a Floridian and it was nothing compared to everyone else.
    Apr 2, 2014
  4. Megan
    Oh that's too bad! Do you get new teachers every year? If so, the school year is almost done and then you'll have a different teacher:)
    Apr 2, 2014
  5. Richiecat62
    Apr 2, 2014